The TRUE COST Of Inflation on Your Wallet
Inflation is theft. It’s one of the reasons why we really need Elon and Vivek to succeed. We really have to cut government spending. We have to stop spending and printing so much damn money. I saw a couple stories. I’ve talked about the waste in government. I’m just going to pull these two up. This is
Some of the just real estate, real estate as far as our government is concerned. Federal government has 14,000 right now, empty, empty buildings. These empty buildings, $2 billion in maintenance and utilities. On top of this, the federal agencies right now,
they only use 25 % of existing capacity. Yet at the same time, we’re spending, this is buildings that they own, they’re leasing $5 billion worth of other offices. Get your arms around that because they’re more desirable office spaces. Yeah, how about this one?
Yeah, we pay, we’re paying right now $220 million to rent the entire Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan to house illegal migrants. The hotel, the hotel happens to be owned by the government of Pakistan. How did Pakistan grab this hotel? That, to be honest, was pretty much a
Crap hole, okay? We gave it to them as a part of a $1.1 billion IMF bailout package.
Yeah, prior to them giving that giving them that hotel in 2020, it was, you know, it was closed. So we gave them a hotel and we’re now paying rent again. Get your arms around this. We can go on and on and on and countless examples. I. Pull this up, the great. Thomas Sowell.
and obviously this back in the 1990s. $100 bill, $100 bill would buy less in 1998 than a $20 bill would buy in the 1960s. So basically if you put money in a can and you buried it in your yard or you left it in a safe, you lost 80 % of its value.
Again, Thomas said, because no safe can keep your money safe from politicians who control the printing presses. So I said, I just pulled it up and I highly suggest you bookmark this site. Bookmark an inflation calculator site. $100 in 1998. It’s worth today, 31 bucks. 31.
They’re stealing from you. They’re stealing from you and don’t let any of those left-wing morons on TV tell you, no, his government programs are great. We need them. We need all this stuff. Watchdog on