The REAL Reason the GOP Isn’t Doing Better
Don’t doubt me. Trump and the Republicans are blowing it. yeah, I can’t wait. go wait. All the MAGA types. What emails are gonna be flying in here? Yeah. Yeah, these are the same people that doubted me when I told them that the red wave wasn’t happening and so on and so forth. But anyway, neither here nor there. The Republicans and Donald Trump are blowing
I blowing it. Remember, remember when the Atlanta Falcons lost to the Patriots? You’re almost a score at halftime in that game. Yeah, when that long ago, was it iconic picture of Trump and Republican convention that was great until Donald Trump’s speech, which was a B minus. Now what? Now what? Listen, you know.
gotta hand it to the Democrats. They’re pretty clever. They are. They got Biden out in three days. The latest thing too, the latest one is, you’re seeing it all over the news, well, they haven’t gotten, Obama hasn’t come out. Word is, word on the street is that Obama, Obama doesn’t believe that Kamala can win.
Let me let me tell you what’s going to happen. Obama is going to back Kamala and it’s going to be in magical fashion. right, Democrats, I you right now, they got Steven Spielberg and all the Hollywood elite. They’re going to produce. They’re going to produce an epic. Epic D and C. my Lord. And Obama is going to come
And give a speech there. Why wouldn’t they? This is a complete setup. And people buy, but, again, you know, what, what are the Republicans doing right now? What’s the right doing right now? hammering Kamala on the fact that she’s dumb and a DEI candidate. Great.
yeah, that might be, you know, I got a great idea, Republic. Why don’t you guys come up with more memes? Why, again, because that’ll win you the election. Just flood the social media with more memes. Many of them quite distasteful, quite frankly. Again, you you want to make fun of all the sexual innuendos and all that crap about Kamala’s past. That’s great. That’ll fire
That’ll fire up the base, but guess what? The base is gonna flip and vote for you anyway.
How dumb can you people be? Honestly, they say Tamala Harris is dumb. I’m gonna tell you, dumb. The Republican Party, dumb as a box of rocks, floundering around all over the place, don’t know what to do right now. Let’s come up with some more memes. Let’s get more upset about the media. Anyway, what did you think was gonna happen? What, thought the media was gonna come out for
Yeah, no, I have no problem, you know, pointing out the fact you might want to crack a joke except except, you know, it is what it is. Accept it. Laugh at it. You can almost call the stuff they’re going to do ahead of time. Yeah, you would throw it out there. Yeah. OK, watch this. The media Kamala was no longer the border czar, even though the same newspaper that said she wasn’t a border czar just yesterday, same author said she was a border czar a couple of years ago. Yeah.
Yeah, we know you just go into it. Yeah, we know. We know that’s the you know, it’s not going to be fair, but don’t whine. That it’s not going to be fair. Let me tell you something, am. And this is, know, much much of the country might understand this. You this is rivalry. And lacrosse, it’s Long Island versus Maryland. OK, Long Island hates Maryland. Maryland hates Long Island and.
We’d go down with lot of tournaments down in Maryland and a team, Long Island Express, were on top teams, club teams in the country, going down there, playing the crabs and some of these other teams down there. We knew, we knew we were not getting any calls. There’s no way, no way. In practice, used to run, when I used to run practices, I used to do stuff that was so unfair.
and aggravating to my players in practice, just so they could get used to the fact that, guess what, the terrain is not gonna be fair. You know going in, it’s not gonna be fair. So don’t bitch about
Don’t bitch with me. Do you think that when they’re training Navy SEALs and Army Rangers, they give a shit about fair? There’s no fair. Okay, put your stupid fair crap and throw it away. Okay, it’s not gonna be fair, Republicans. You know this. You wanna laugh about it. You wanna make fun of them. Go ahead.
But the reality is you’re basically preaching to your base right now. Guess what? Your base is voting for you. Now, when I talked about rooting for laundry, the old Jerry Seinfeld bit, MAGA is going to vote for
The lefties are gonna vote for Kamala. Who do you have to get? You’ve gotta get those swing voters. Trump has gotta reach out to people that, again, he pissed off.
That he, again, that he pissed off based upon his conduct. You’re talking Nikki Haley’s voters, Ron DeSantis voters, a myriad of people out there that he pissed off. And if you think you’re going to get them through memes and making excuses and dumb and DEI attacks, no, you’re going to get them, okay, with policy. How do you go about making
the country better? How do go about improving things? For crying out loud. The percentage of Americans that worry that they’re not going to be able to pay their bills is higher right now than it was back in between 2007 and 2009 during the Great Recession. You can’t win
You can’t win. It shouldn’t be close. But you know, no, no, you have not been able to articulate your vision and it’s gotta be better than make America great again. How do you, I’m gonna protect social security. How? I’m gonna lower the debt. How?
Not all of us, not all of us, Mr. Trump, not all of us, but Trump and Republican Party believe that you have magic powers, okay, that you can just say something and make it happen. We kind of want to see what the plan is
How about coming out and being the intelligent candidate? Because let me tell you something, you guys keep calling Kamala Harris dumb, but let me tell you something, the Democrats are not dumb. Okay? They flip this thing. this is the greatest Republican convention and everyone is united. What have you done for me lately? That’s gone. That’s a rear view mirror. It doesn’t matter anymore.
OK, they they just checkmated you on that with Kamala. And again, if you believe anything that you’re hearing in the news that this one’s not going to come out, this one’s not going to support Kamala, no, they’re to come out. Obama’s going to come out and support Kamala. without a doubt. And it’s going to be with much fanfare. They’re holding that one. They’re holding out on that one. Again.
Anybody think that the establishment, you think that the old Republicans are going to come out for Donald Trump? You’re going to see George Bush out on there at the campaign trail? No, no, no. Again, I don’t care about that. All I’m saying is they manage to get their ships going in the same direction where Republicans do not. So guess what? You better come up with
For Christ, what an opportunity yesterday.
What an opportunity yesterday there in Washington DC, where you had the leftists. It was a leftist bergret. Did you see the shirts that they’re wearing? CCCP. I mean, these were socialist, communist. They came in there and they destroyed.
destroyed tons of tons of burning American flags.
That’s where I would have been.
that Trump or Vance or I would have been there. I don’t care. I don’t care. I don’t care about this. You make the security or you figure it out. OK, you confront that. You point out that this is this is, know, these are the people that support. The Democrats, this is what they’re doing at this point in time. Now, what a fantastic opportunity. Great. He held a big rally. Trump hold a big rally in Charlotte.
And you know, again, he gave a standup routine, but she does. And again, the people that go to the rally, they love that. They went to Trump rally because they wanted to see the Trump standup routine. Okay. And I’ll be quite honest with I’d rather stick a hot poker in my eye than go watch a Trump standup routine. I want to stand up. I’m going to watch Maniscalco. I’m going to watch Burr. I’m going to watch Rogan. I’m watch people that actually know what the hell they’re doing. Okay. I want to standup comedy. Okay. I know where to
Now is the time to get serious because right now, Republicans, you guys again, red wave, really good red wave. yeah, red wave my ass. How many times you been saying that? And again, here’s another one. Here’s the genius. You want to talk about calling Kamala Harris dumb? How you dare call Kamala Harris dumb? The Republicans are dumb. How many impeachments have Republicans tried? I can’t even tell
How many of want my Orcas and maybe Biden and this one? And we’re going to impeach this and we’re going to impeach that. Yesterday on the podcast, I did my bit. I did my bit on the, you know, sixth grade, my sixth grade class election. I had to pop them out. You know, thing that we had to get rid of. We had a box in our sixth grade class. It was a suggestion box and the suggestion box was, I know, one of
one the presidents one semester, so it’s a great idea. We’ll take suggestions. You know what most of those suggestions were? Impeach the president! I shit you
I see, because again, my side losses. And that’s what most of the things were. So eventually they did away with the suggestion box for the class president in sixth grade because of that stuff. Here we go. A GOP lawmaker is planning to hold Kamala Harris accountable for her role in the border crisis by filing articles of impeachment against the vice president.
Are you kidding me? You do understand that the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Are you that dumb? Again, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be crass here. Andy Ogles, Tennessee, on Mornings with Maria to discuss why he’s pushing to impeach Harris as she’s determined to be the Democratic presidential candidate.
We have to hold her accountable and start defining her by her failures. Andy? Andy, hey, guess, you know how we hold people accountable here in the United States, right? It’s called elections. We have this, it’s called elections. There’s one coming up. So you wanna hold it
You want to impeach the vice president. Do you understand how stupid and petty you sound? How absolutely ridiculous this is. Here’s the thing. We have a crisis at the southern border. We are being invaded. Our kids, our streets are being poisoned by fentanyl. And then crime is running rampant. We’ve got to define Kamala Harris before the woke media can reinvent her. The US has an officer of the government that hasn’t done her job.
voter to flip out. You dip shit. You got an election that’s coming up in November. You’re just going to look like a damn fool. It’s going to go nowhere. Just like everything else and all your other stupid hearings and all the other crap that you do. Again, honestly, I’m telling you right now. Okay. Tell you right now. We haven’t, you know, we haven’t hit rock bottom. All right. And this bit of a wake up call. I honestly, I believe
And again, might frighten some people when it comes to politically. We haven’t we really haven’t hit rock bottom. And the key is hopefully, you know, when we hit rock bottom, we’re able to bounce back. There’s a chance you’re to take that that that’s not going to happen. OK. You know, have Barack Obama. Father was a Marxist professor. Kamala Harris, her father was a Marxist professor. Pete Buttigieg, his father was a
Professor it’s all right out there in front of these people and what they want to do and how they want to go about running the country And the policies that they have out there it is what it is You know, again if that’s what the country chooses if the country chooses, know, that’s that’s You know, you can’t get consumed by it. mean, obviously it’s it frustrates me and everything else, but you know Look at us. Look at who we choose which is represent
Andy Ogles wants to impeach the vice president of the United States. So you’re saying you’re saying because she’s in she’s an F up on the border. Again, she’s the vice president of the United States. OK, really not much, much that they do. She did one thing. She presided over the Senate in the tie and got the Inflation Reduction Act passed. Other than that, you mean to tell me that that’s a high crime?
and misdemeanors. was just as stupid as in Peach and Myorkas. And then you got all the train seals over at Fox News cheering the thing on. Yeah, how’d that work out for
How’d that work out for you? Honestly, you know, again, you know, you could hear the sarcasm creep into me. I’m trying not to, I’m trying to present things as best I possibly can. But again, what was my original framing of Decision 2024? Remember that? Did it here on the podcast? Decision 2024, is this the best we can. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.