The Media and the Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid.
Yeah, you got a better chance of, it’s the reality, probably spotting a unicorn than you do an intelligent economist out there. They’re few and far between. I have to cite one that I had great deal of respect for. Just going back to the 1990s. I loved his I loved his phrase that he came up with. And I always give him credit because it’s brilliant. The conspiracy to keep people poor and stupid. And I battle against that conspiracy every single day here on the program.
Because again, the media, the narratives that are shoved down people’s throats, again, they’re there, they’re designed to keep people in the dark. They want you there. And this, I saw this AP story, AP story, who wouldn’t like prices to start falling? Careful what you wish for, economists say. And as soon as I saw the headline, I said, and I know that this article is going to make me.
irate, but it’s another attempt by the media and the powers that be to keep people poor and stupid. So they talk about how many Americans are in a sour mood about the economy. They say it’s because prices feel too high. Again, they feel too high? Or are they too high?
Oh, no, no, you’re wrong. It’s kind of like, you know, the Paul Krugman article from the New York Times. Oh, you know, maybe it’s not that my food’s expensive. Maybe it’s a bottle of scotch I bought. Shut up, Paul. But anyway, shut up, AP, when it comes to this story. Maybe they’re not, again, oh, maybe they’re not rising as fast as they had, but prices are still painfully above where they were three years ago. You don’t say. You don’t say. And they’re still going up. And again, they talk.
about what the costs are for a bunch of things, eggs and soda, whatnot, use car prices. And then they say, but wouldn’t it be great if prices actually fell? What economists call deflation. Who wouldn’t want to fire up a time machine and return to the days before the economy rocketed out of the pandemic recession and sent prices soaring? Oh, that’s why. Oh, it’s because everyone went back to work and you know,
The ridiculous COVID thing ended. That’s what drove prices up, right? Sure. Sure. Again, again, these writers are dumb as a box of rocks. You know, I’m sorry. But if you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, just could you not talk? But again, I know, again, these guys are put on assignment. Anyway, again, those incremental improvements are hardly enough to please the public whose discontent poses a risk.
And here we go to President Joe Biden’s reelection bid. Okay. Okay. They said most Americans are not looking for disinflation. They’re looking for deflation. They want these prices to be back where they were before the pandemic. But oh, many economists. Again, I’m gonna the old top men from Raiders of the Lost Ark, you know, top men, top economists working on this right now.
that consumers should be careful what they wish for. Falling prices across the economy would actually be an unhealthy sign.
And then they go to the websites. This is interesting. They go to the websites of central banks around the globe, almost like these central banks talk about deflation and probably it’s almost like they have like a glossary or something on their sites. The Bank of England warns more consequences from falling prices than meets the eye.
Wait a second. So, you know, they’re trying to convince people that, yeah, no, no, no, it’s better. It’s better for the value of your money to continue to drop and prices, you know, prices continue. That, you know, that’s, that’s, it’s better for that to happen.
So they talk about deflation in the article. Deflation is a widespread and sustained drop in prices across the economy. And then they go to, oh, the United States hasn’t seen genuine deflation since the Great Depression.
What’s wrong with deflation? Okay, then they go to Banco de España. Okay, it says on its website, deflation can in fact be highly damaging to the economy. How so? Because falling prices tend to discourage consumers from spending. Why buy now after all if you can purchase what you want at a lower price later? Hmm, hmm. And then they go well.
reality is that economies health depends on steady consumer purchases. The United States household spending counts around 70 % of the economy. If our consumers were to pull back and await lower prices, businesses would face intense pressure to cut prices and jumpstart sales and then you have to lay off workers. Oh, do me a favor. Shut up. Okay. Are you guys serious? Again, I get it. Okay. And this is where this is where this is.
so dumb and disingenuous when they put this stuff out. I get it when it comes to televisions, when it comes to furniture, durable goods, you know, again, there’s certain things you can wait to buy. Right. But again, even that still happens. People are like, hey, you know, I’m going to wait till the friends and family sale at, uh, booming dales or whatever it may be before I go shopping. But anyway,
If it’s on everyday items that you need to survive on, that’s bad. Did the nation get bent out of shape when oil prices came way down? You can’t hold off, you gotta put gas in your car. I’m gonna wait. I’m not gonna go anywhere for the next two weeks, because I think gas prices are going down. We’re not gonna eat?
not gonna eat because you think food prices, groceries are gonna be down two, three weeks from now? Again, it’s unnerving to me when I read things like this. And again, this was a touted article, widely circulated everywhere. Wait a second, everybody, no, no, no. You gotta be happy prices are going up. Oh, because if they come down, oh boy, inflationary spiral. Listen, I get it. I understand it when it’s…
across the board and it’s again, it’s items like everything. But when it’s on things that you have to buy and use every single day, that’s going to be bad. In fact, no, that’s actually fantastic because then what? It’ll free up so people can have more money to buy other things. So again, this is going to continue to see columns like this again and again and again, because the effort is here, the lie becomes the truth. They want enough people convinced that
you know, oh, yeah, I should be happy that I’m paying more for groceries and electricity and gas and everything that goes along with that. We should be happy and we should thank Joe Biden and Bidenomics. Right. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.