The Garbage Man Can!
garbage man can yeah you ever watch the news or you just try to observe what’s going on and you kind of think to yourself you say i can’t believe what i’m watching you couldn’t write this some of the stuff and some things are so stupid so stupid that they have almost they have to be true i i i don’t i’m
Joe Biden decides to go on his computer, go on his computer. And I’m thinking of the Simpsons. OK, I’ll do the garbage man cannon a bit here. But I remember Homer was like, they have the Internet on computers now. So Joe Biden figures out they have the Internet on computers now and goes online. And at the same time.
Kamala Harris is supposedly giving her big campaign closer speech in the White House backyard. He goes on to Zoom and he talks about this joke that was made by a comic who does roasts.
does roasts and talks about this, he’s, know, something about Puerto Rican Island floating garbage, whatever it may be. Again, you want to listen to this guy and some of the stuff that he did at the Tom Brady roast. He’s pretty damn funny. Even Jon Stewart just like laughing at stuff. It’s like, he’s a comedian. This is what they do. Anyway, Joe Biden goes off on a rant.
and talking about how Puerto Ricans are good, well, say it, they’re good, decent, honorable people. The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.
He called Donald Trump supporters garbage. I’m going to be honest here. Unlike Hillary Clinton, unlike Hillary Clinton, who called Trump supporters, called basket of deplorables. Remember, did that. was a big basket of deplorables. What other ones? I forget. There’s a couple of things that that.
she had said, Joe doesn’t know what the hell he’s saying. And actually that was the best part of the entire thing was that Donald Trump told to the audience last night, Marco Rubio came on stage and told him what was said. And Trump was like, forgive him. He knoweth not what he do. And that’s, that’s true. It’s Joe Biden doesn’t know what he’s saying at this point in time. The garbage man.
Listen, I’m being honest, I’m here to tell you that, yeah, this is, mean, I don’t know what Joe Biden thinks, really, because again, you kind of have to discount him. But if you don’t think that the left,
is disgusted by you.
They are.
The are the left, they despise people on the right. They look down upon you. You’re not even you’re again, you’re filth to them. That’s just just how they think. It’s been my experience. You know, this garbage story again, I mentioned I said the garbage man can remind me was a great political episode that I’ve talked about here on.
podcast I’ve also talked about on the radio show when Homer Simpson runs for the head of the garbage department of Springfield and his song which was to Sammy Davis’s Candyman. was his who can take your trash out, stomp it down for you, shake the plastic bag and do the twisty thingy to the garbage man. The garbage man can the garbage man can he does it with a smile and he never judges you. Who can take this diaper?
I don’t mind at all who can clean me up before the big policeman’s ball. And it goes on and on about all the free stuff that the extra things that the garbage man is going to do if Homer wins and all the promises that are made and Homer does win and he bankrupts Springfield. Well.
I arena really great piece yesterday by the folks over at Epsilon theory and these guys, the financial guys and in many respects, they think again, they have differing opinions there, there, but they’re the type of people that can agree to disagree and can debate. And, you know, they did a great piece talking about the history of political rhetoric.
in the United States and, you know, how the vitriol that has taken place over the years. You go back to the, the between Adams and Jefferson and the things that had taken place, you know, over the years and how, you know, various different parties and candidates have treated one another. Their fear in their article is that people now are making lists.
They’re making lists of people who said nasty things or did awful things. Don’t do that. I know it’s, again, it’s natural. It’s natural. Again, you can decide whether or not you’re gonna forgive and forget. That’s up to you. mean, again, been insulted.
on plenty of occasions. You know, I, I kind of take the route where you just forgive people, you don’t forget. That’s stupid. That’s not being prudent. You need to know who these people are. But you know, this this enemies type of lists that were coming up here in this country is no good. And again, for the President United States call half the country garbage can I don’t believe that he knew what he was saying, but I most certainly believe that
Hillary does and Obama does and the Kamala people do. They’ve said it. They’ve used the rhetoric, Nazis and fascists and all of this type of language, which is just completely over the top. Hopefully, hopefully, you know, everybody can forgive after next week. We’re not going to forget. Watchdog on Wall