The DANGERS of Working from Home as a Young Professional
Come on people, embrace the suck and go to work. Yeah, I’m tired of hearing from these young professionals. they’re so bright and they’re so wonderful. They’re doing all these things. Yeah, they’re unwilling. Unwilling or they’re upset that they actually have to go to the office. They’re actually spoken to people. I get the occasional person who wants to get a job.
Young people want to get a job at Markowski Investments and I talk to them. Yeah, but I, you know, I want to live in Nashville. Can I do it there? What? No, no, you have to learn from me. You have to learn from my brothers. can’t we do it on Zoom? No, no, we can’t do it on Zoom. Anyway, I don’t even know how and why this is even up for debate.
at this point in time. What was it? Elon Musk was the one that said that working from home was morally wrong. Amazon’s Andrew Jassy said, hey, probably not gonna work out if you don’t wanna come into the office. Okay, John LaFever actually put together some great numbers when it comes to working from home.
According to Stanford, full remote work from home, post pandemic, 28%, hybrid flexible work, 50%. In a recent Gallup poll, 92 % of respondents said they expect their employer to be flexible. You expect your employer to do what? Really? Okay.
I can’t. People’s minds are going to be blown coming soon because those days are over. Listen, if you have been there and done that, if you have paid your dues, if you’ve established yourself, if you’re good at what you do, you’re successful. Well, guess what? You could do whatever you want. You could you can.
hybrid work, can come into the office, you can do whatever you want to do because you’re bringing in the bucks. The boss knows this, the boss understands this. I’ve explained this to young people. said, hey, you want to make sure you are not going to get fired from your job? Produce. Produce. Bring money in, bring business in. Again.
you need to pay your dues. You’re not gonna be able, quite frankly, to do that unless you do spend time at the office, considerable amount of time at the office. There’s certain things that you’re just not gonna get from a Zoom call. Nope, you need to be in the office. You need to be shoulder to shoulder with people, people that are more experienced than you are. You are going to learn from them.
Interesting, MIT study found that productivity dropped 18 % when people worked from home. I for one, worked from home. Worked from home. I paid my dues. I paid my dues. Yes, we have a beautiful office here in Tampa. From time to time, I happen to go in. My brother Matthew’s there from time to time.
I’m able to do that. I don’t have distractions here. I don’t, my kids are gone. But even when they were young and they were babies and they were running around, I made sure when I was working from home, I had my own space. I had my own space. My wife knew. My in-laws lived with me. They understood. You keep the kids away from dad when he’s working. Dad’s gonna spend a ton of time with the kids.
But when I’m working, you gotta leave me alone. You gotta leave me alone. And it’s just the reality of the situation. You working from home, your damn dog starts barking for crying out loud. You’re go see what’s going on. You don’t have that at the office. Finding a mentor, this is important too. Finding someone that, I’m not gonna find him everywhere.
Man, you’re not gonna find that person that’s gonna actually bring you along. If you’re lucky enough to find one at the office, that’s good. Finding a mentor, it’s good for promotions. It’s good to actually help protect you if things get tough there at the office. FaceTime, FaceTime, if you’re seen at the office, guess what? You’re a star. Gold star for you if they see you at the office.
John LaFever talks about this. He mentioned it as a joke in the past. He said, if your boss smokes, smoke. He said it as a joke, but there are actual studies that actually support this. The National Bureau of Economic Research found that when employees smoke with their managers, they are more likely to get promoted faster. It’s an extra half an hour of one-on-one bonding time. Again, you can go out with them, you don’t have to smoke, but again, it’s that time that is spent.
Not to mention, happy hour. you think I’m kidding? I’ve done podcasts on this before. The importance of throwing parties, attending cocktail parties, going to events. Happy hour is important. Ideas get bounced around. It’s in a more relaxed environment.
There’s nothing wrong with being out and about with co-workers and guess what you get to know them better You got to understand them know them more on a one-on-one human being level Comradery again, know embracing the suck like I said Late nights at the office. It’s something that you know again something that you’re going to have to do you do it with others again shared Experiences not to mention I got to throw this in as well
Okay. Again, the way you dress, the way you dress, the way you present yourself is going to present opportunities for you. Let me tell you something that drives me bloody bonkers. Okay. It does. it’s okay. It’s in style. No, it’s never in style. Okay. You don’t wear, you don’t wear sneakers with suits. I know it’s trendy right now. No, no, no, man. Don’t.
Wear shoes, okay? I’ve got a bit of a rule and I know it’s kind of thrown off in regards to the business world. Would James Bond wear sneakers with his Savile Row suit? No, no, you’re not going to do that and you’d be surprised. I know, business has gotten more casual. You can wear the little vest thing with the logo on, no.
No, no, no, You dress to impress. You go to the office, you’re looking good. It’s casual crap, nonsense. Again, being in the office, understanding the politics of the office. This, again, this is the reality of the terrain nowadays, especially when it comes to the corporate world, especially when comes to Wall Street, when it comes to finance. A lot tougher finding a job nowadays, okay?
It’s not the COVID years anymore. Okay. These companies are becoming lean and mean and they’re cutting staff. So guess what? Guess what? You have to do better. You have to do better. You have to look better. You have to work harder. You have to show up at the office. Again, here’s a bit of a suggestion. Okay. And I’ve talked about, you know, out working everyone again, if you want to make it.
This is something you’re going to have to do. You better be in the office five days a week. You want to work from home? Okay, work from home on the weekends. Work from home on the weekends or work from home at night. Okay, put in the extra hours. Embrace the suck and go to work.