“Stock Pickers” Are Scamming YOU! Here’s How
Listen carefully. Don’t doubt me. I use that all the time. I tell my kids all the time. I see you guys got to get me for Father’s Day. You got to get me a shirt that says don’t doubt me across the front of it. Anyway, listen, I’m not being arrogant or egotistical here. I’m cracking a joke. Okay. Listen, if you pay close attention, close attention to this podcast, and most certainly,
weekend show. Do a lot more financial stuff on the weekend show. You’re going to gain insight into some of the things that we’re doing at Markowski Investments. And if you do that, you’re going to kind of get some direction in how we’re heading. Listen, I am being honest, people ask all the time, why don’t you go to the show and give recommendations? No, no, I don’t do that. Because again, people do stupid things.
People do stupid things. If I come on this show and I say, hey, you know what? I think that, I don’t know, I’m gonna say XYZ. I don’t wanna say anything. XYZ company’s fantastic or this commodity is going to be awesome. Whatever it may be. Foolish people will go out and they will put all their money into something like that. We don’t do that. I don’t do that. We have great ideas and insight to things all the time.
Do I go all in? No! That’s stupid. You want to know why? Guess what? I’m human. I’m human and I can be wrong.
You know people say, you yeah, you you look that idea that what man I bet you wish you did more
I don’t do that.
We don’t do that. There’s a reason why we diverse, why we sell things at certain periods of time. Yesterday, a money manager that I have a great deal of respect for did something that we didn’t do. I mean, he unloaded all of his Nvidia stock over a year ago. And, man, at least like he was in an interview, was like, boy, boy, I’m licking my chops on that one. He still made a fortune on it.
He still made a fortune on the company. He just sold at a certain period of time. But the reality is you never go poor taking profits. And you’re never ever going to get in at the exact bottom or out at the exact top. Why I say listen carefully, don’t doubt me. I will not, I will not give.
specific recommendations ever. It’s something that we don’t do. Okay, if you want those real simple, okay, get to our website, sign up for our personal CFO program, open up a damn account and you’ll see what we do. Okay, and how well we do, see for yourself. Okay, but we will give you ideas here when it comes to trends and the way things are heading and yeah, you don’t have to ask me. Ask around.
Do your own homework on what we do here at Markowski Investments. I’m not gonna toot my own horn. I’m not gonna toot my own horn. Do your own homework. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.