Should We Eliminate Health Insurance??
Eliminate health insurance. That’s right. Get rid of it all. And I’m not just kidding. I’m not just talking private. I’m talking Medicare, Medicaid, the whole thing. Think the end of Fight Club. Okay, when Tyler Durden blows up all of the credit companies and the banks and all of their information there. Make it all.
Go away. I know. you’re crazy people. They’re not gonna get healthcare. They’re not gonna get this. It’s gonna be anarchy. It’s gonna be terrible. No, it’s not. I did countless radio programs, television as well. This is the early stages of the Obama years when they were putting together Obamacare.
And even prior to this, just trying to explain to Americans what insurance actually is. Actually, you know, a really good explanation for insurance was done, Chris Rock, the standup comedian did it in one of his standup routines. He described insurance as something you buy in case bad shit happens. You don’t want, you don’t.
ever want to use your insurance? I most certainly don’t want to have to use my life insurance policy because I’d be dead. I don’t want to have to use my health insurance. It means I’m sick.
I don’t wanna use my car insurance, means I got into a car accident. I don’t wanna use my home insurance. mean, something happened to my home. Insurance is something you buy that you hope you never have to use. We are watching today, we’re watching these, they’re honestly, they’re pieces of societal cancer.
These leftists, what’s Taylor Lawrence going out there? She was joyful that the CEO got gunned down in the street. They go online, you can see what they have. So you’re professor, University of Pennsylvania, or Ivy League institutions. Basically applauding the murder, cold-blooded murder of a human being, family.
and a wife and two kids in the streets of New York. Will this professor continue to teach at the University of Pennsylvania? Probably, it’s an Ivy League school, you know. And they love societal cancer at these institutions. Anyway, I’m gonna try not to go off on a rant here. Insurance, get rid of insurance, what would happen?
Think about this, I want you to contemplate for what would happen. Well, first and foremost, the healthcare industry would have to find a way, find a way to compete against one another and price their product, price their product at a rate that people could afford to pay. If not, again, what would happen?
I was looking at various different statistics just at the administrative costs for healthcare here in the United States and it’s disgusting.
middleman. mean, nobody, there’s nothing to do with healthcare. It’s the business of healthcare. Let’s get back to insurance a little bit. Here’s something that we got rid of under Obamacare. Insurance doesn’t work. It’s not insurance unless you can price risk into the equation. I did a podcast
not too long ago in the wake of the hurricanes here and making fun of government subsidized flood insurance and I called it welfare welfare for wealthy people because that’s what it is. Welfare for wealthy people. Why in the world should the government be subsidizing somebody’s insurance so they can have a home on the beach? Bullshit, quite frankly. And again, we have a system now where we’re not
properly pricing risk into the equation. I’m gonna tell you a story that blew my mind. Blew my mind yesterday. I was floored. I was floored by this. Very good friend of mine who is highly accomplished doctor. He’s someone, not only that, obviously it goes in and they actually bring him into
repair messes and hospitals around the country and make them better. I’m not gonna name drop here on the program, but let’s just say if you’re following certain things when it comes to healthcare in this country, you would know who this individual is. OBGYN delivered babies for years and we’re having the conversation. He was thinking, cause he got away from it and he hurt his back. He was thinking of actually coming back and doing it again.
until he went to a conference. on behalf of one of the hospitals that contracts him, he went to an obstetrics conference and he learned something. And this is mind blowing what I’m about to tell you. 80%, 80 % of pregnancies here in the United States today, 80 % are considered high risk.
80 % obesity, diabetes, drug abuse, mean all of these things.
Who in the world, what kind of doctor is gonna wanna go into this field? Knowing that they could be sued, something that could go wrong, what they’re gonna have to pay in ture. 80 % of pregnancies are now high risk here in this country.
But why do you think your insurance premiums are so high? Why do you think? I have to pay my health insurance. I’ve got to pay right now. I’m planning on having more kids here, okay? Yeah, I’m getting a little old now. No, no, I’m on to the next level. Kids are out of the house, but yet I still have to pay.
just in case I happen to get pregnant. It’s moronic. Again, I remember, you know, prior to Obamacare, my kids, I paid five grand. Cold thing, hospital, kit, can, kaboodle, all the visits, everything like that, I paid for it, boom.
That was a bill. That was a bill. I didn’t have it on my insurance. I wasn’t covered for that. So I paid for it outside of it.
And again, that’s just pregnancies.
You take a look around, you know, the stuff that Robert F. Kennedy is talking about, and you take a look at the health of America, and you wonder why things are so expensive. Many of these insurance companies are trying to make ends meet.
It was funny. I got a kick out of it and I did it myself. I go, go, doofy self. said, you know, they said, go take a look at a picture of the crowd. They said, just take a look at picture of the crowd at Yankee Stadium in the 1960s, the 1970s and try to find a fat person.
Now, pull one up, pull one up from this year and try not to find a fat person. Why don’t you take a look at a picture of, I don’t know, the Jersey Shore in the 1980s and compare it to today.
You got all these pieces of societal cancer railing against insurance companies and denying care and all of these things. You know how much better it would be? You know how much easier it would be for insurance companies if they could actually price in risk?
Again, I talked about this prior to Obamacare. How in the world is it that if I go into a job, I get a job at a company, because you gotta get benefits, and the person next to me is completely out of shape, doesn’t work out, drinks, smokes, does drugs, and we pay the same premium?
You tell me how in the world is that insurance? It’s not. You’re not pricing risk into the equation. Well, I know Mr. Murkowski, but what about people that have pre-existing conditions and they have these things that they’re not responsible for and they’re born with it? Okay, you want to have high, you want to have the government subsidize some high risk pools? Fine. That was my suggestion. Why? I don’t care.
You want to help out with that, but keep that out of my pool!
This is what you call an insurance is not insurance.
It’s a big glob of subsidized crap. Not to mention the fact.
If you don’t think these hospitals, if you don’t think these hospitals are hip to knowing what type of insurance you have and what they can bang you out for, they know. they most certainly know. look at this person’s insurance, man. We better keep him in the hospital for an extra day.
yeah, you know, maybe we, maybe we had to run all of these other tests that we might not need to run. I mean, take a look at COVID. Government was paying for everything, anything. Everybody had COVID. COVID related. Chik ching. Chik ching. We’ll suck that out of the government.
This is, this is healthcare?
This is a disaster.
This is what we have today. We need one big fat do-over is what we need. And I’m not stupid, it’s not gonna happen. It’s not gonna happen. People think it’s just great. I get my government, and they don’t even do the math. They don’t even do the math and what they’re paying in premiums or what they’re getting in some sort.
It’s all a bunch of BS. Again, people are kind of thrown off by the fact that I I don’t care. I honestly, I don’t care at this point in time. I’m just a single payer. Just let me out. Just allow for real insurance, risk-based premiums. Allow for that. Allow for that outside of your single payer BS and do whatever the hell you
Because what we have now is not sustainable. And to all you pieces of societal cancer, I mean to be harsh, but you are where you are.
You are what you are. This idea out there, you keep floating that healthcare is some sort of human right.
What? Healthcare is a human right. is a human right. Education is a human right. Food is a human right. You have no right to anyone else’s labor. You have no right to tax and enslave other people to provide for the products and services that you desire.
You don’t.
Do I think that there’s a place for society as a whole to help people out? Absolutely. Again, I have no problem with social safety nets, but look at what we did. Look at what we did. this whole, where we’re at with Obamacare and healthcare in this country and the results and the overall health of this nation, which is disgusting. It’s a big fat see I told you so moment that again, I wish I was wrong. Watchdog on