Schumer’s Massive CRASH OUT On the View Has Me Rolling…
Chuck Schumer told you exactly what he thinks. And again, not surprising to me. This happens from time to time where liberals will, I don’t know if it’s, I guess you want to call it a Freudian slip. They slip up and they tell you what they’re thinking. So Chuck Schumer, and I highly recommend you go and watch the clip. He was on the view. He was on the view and Chuck Schumer is in battles right now.
Because again, these are political animals and they see Democrats, Democrats that want more power because that’s what it’s about. The precious. It’s like Lord of the Rings. The precious. They want to get rid of Chuck Schumer. Somebody wants his spot because again, he’s, yeah, he’s the leader. He’s a Democratic leader in the Senate. That’s a very lucrative position. not salary wise, but
your ability to do handouts and giveaways and get all sorts of cash under the table. Chuck is a powerful, powerful man. And people want that power within Democrat Party. So they’re going after him right now because he didn’t agree to shut the government down. Now, Democrats that are going after Chuck Schumer, they know, they know that if Chuck Schumer allowed for the government to be shut down, they know that they really would have been screwed. This is why I wish they had done it.
Because then they would have just completely, it would have been great. Those who would have gone through the government and gotten rid of all the waste, it would have been fantastic while it was shut down, it would have been awesome. But those same Democrats, they’re all on the same team, right? No, bullshit, they’re looking out for themselves. Again, politicians think crooks and liars. 98, 99 % of them are. Now, you’ve got people within Democratic Party, they wanna see Chuck go, they want his position. They want his position.
damn about government. They just want his position and they’re going after him. So anyway, Chuck is on the view and he goes off on this rant goes off on those Republicans. just want to keep their hard earned money. They just want to keep their hard earned money. They keep saying that they built their business with their own bare hands. All this stuff. He actually he actually said he actually said it by accident. He actually said that that the government is a barrier to
people. Actually said it, then he had to kind of walk it back to some degree. It was kind of pathetic, but was another example of again, leftist being honest. I congratulate Chuck Schumer for being honest. Two, and it’s people on the left and these are the people that are, you you see them in the streets, all this stuff. They’ve never built anything. They’ve never created anything. They just want to take
take something that they haven’t earned. They feel that they’re entitled to it. The left feels that all the money in the country is theirs. And it’s their job to divvy it up. To divvy it up. And it’s a great position too. You’re the responsible for divvying up the wealth of the United States. you you should get paid for that, right? You gotta wet your beak. You gotta don finucci that shit. You gotta wet your beak. You gotta take your little play. And that’s why, again, so much wealth in Washington, DC.
an area of the country that doesn’t do a damn thing. Doesn’t do a damn thing. Yeah, Barack Obama, his Freudian slip. You didn’t build that. You didn’t build that. Yeah, Elizabeth Warren did the same thing, It’s. It’s a power. It’s a power grab where they’re going after Schumer, but again, Schumer
being honest, what camp do you fall in? Just throwing it out there. You feel that you are entitled to the…
The hard work, the fruits of the hard work of my clients, people from around the country that are getting up, the wee hours of the morning, bustin’ their ass, employing people, looking to provide products and services that everyone will enjoy. Well, you think it’s easy? You do, do ya? Well then go do it. Go ahead, go start your…
Go start your own business. You think it’s so simple. You think it’s so easy. Go start your own business. And then guess what? After you start your own business, you can give as much money to the government as you choose. Yeah, we’ll see how that works out. Okay? Give me a break.
You either you’re a parasite or you’re not a parasite. Where are you? to be to say, man, you guys are parasites. Bunch of blood sucking parasite mosquitoes. That’s all you are. I’ve got to take this. I’m entitled to this. I want this. I want this handout. I want this giveaway. I want the government to take care of me. for crying out loud. Get a life.