Scandal at the Olympics: Was It Really That Bad?
It has been a bloody surreal summer. really has. Olympic debacle. Again, again, another weekend of grad parties for me and, you know, usual suspects. My friends are there and every bloody weekend there’s a news story and something happens that we’re just like. At least it gives us different things to talk about at these parties. So we had the opening ceremony.
of the Olympics. I’ve done a couple podcasts over the past couple months to recently did one about the Olympics. Also did one about tolerance to some degree. And I did one on homophobia, if you do recall, and you know, using, you know, the breakdown homophobia, afraid of gays, said, I’m not afraid of gays. I’m scared of them. But anyway,
Anyway, I’ll get into that in a little bit. We’re going to tie some of these old podcasts in together. You saw it. I saw it. Another another effort to destroy, denigrate Western culture and art. And interesting. Last week, did podcasts here talking about how that was one of the grand desires.
of the communists as well. And you watch things, you watch what they mocked, The Last Supper and painting, if you’re familiar with the painting done by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan. again, my head is bombarded with all these various different thoughts. I didn’t say it right here.
Isn’t it interesting that the greatest art ever created by man? OK, I’m sorry. can’t. Picasso, someone said those eyes are great. OK, but I’m sorry. Go go to Rome and take a look at Michelangelo’s Pietà and St. Peter’s. Come on, man. Are you going to compare that to the utter shit that we see, the public sculptures that we see nowadays, the paintings that were done by the masters back in the day?
They’re all based upon religion. Is it coincidence? bet you you been you’ve been in the Sistine Chapel, been to the Vatican, been to the various different churches in Italy and Spain, other places around the globe to see what was created, what was inspired by God. You got to compare it to the the utter dog shit we see today. To this crap that they call art inspired.
Disgusting and it was it was by design. Was by design. I can get back to my point from long ago, but I said again, I thought about it because again, you know, we talked about homophobia here on the program. How are you homophobic? I’m not afraid of. Gay people, however, I’m going to
blatantly honest. Your culture overall is bloody disgusting. Phobia comes from, we say homophobic, phobia comes from phobos, which is the Greek word for being afraid. So I said, you know I’m gonna come up with my own word. It’s gonna be homoideastakos, which is disgust. I -de -a -st -i -akos.
Homo Arias Diakos, I am disgusted with the gays and their culture. And I know they’re not all like this, but I’m just saying that you should be revolting against this. Listen, let’s flip it to some degree here. Would it be appropriate if they had a bunch of heterosexual dancers? They grabbed strippers?
from his trip and had them dance like that for the Olympics and then mock.
mock a religion of two billion people. It’s always interesting to go after, Christians always go after Catholics. It’s funny, you didn’t mock any other religions up there. You didn’t mock Mohammed either. Now, you also see as well some of this stuff going on. had a picture of Statue of Liberty beat up, bruised and shot. It’s ugly is what it is.
It’s purposely ugly and it’s purposely there to shock you. It’s not about unity. This is is disgust. And the funny thing is, is that they try to censor it after the fact. The backlash was so bad. So bad. And again, I’m to be honest, I feel bad for the French people as well. You tell me that they were overwhelmingly behind this. Now, it’s the same bullshit that we have in this country. Bunch of freaking elites.
You Macron coming out and praising it for crying out loud.
So it’s the same crap. It’s the same freaking left -wing elites that we have here in this country that dictate this crap. imagine most French people were appalled by it. They have read some of the papers in and around Europe. I suggested not, you know, again, the podcast said too long ago that Greece should take over the entire Olympics in and of themselves. They were disgusted. Italians disgust. I mean, come on. And then they tried to bloody not, they tried to censor the entire thing.
They went on a rage because everybody was sharing this. It was flying all over the place. Did you see this thing? Can you believe it? And then they were telling everybody because of, what was it? Copyright infringement. They were forcing social media to take the things down. Now what do you think if it was loved, if it was beloved, think the Olympic committee
would try to have it taken down like that. No way, no how. They want as many eyeballs as they possibly can. And they actually even took it off their own website for crying out loud. There was a, is something I want to share with as well. Again, one of my favorite television shows, one the more intelligent shows ever made, in my opinion, is South Park. And they did, I remember when I saw this
saw this. This is going back to 2002 shows been around for some time. I I almost pissed myself laughing. I mean, I kid you not it was hilarious. Just going back to 2002. Again, shows about that was the sixth season of this show. And basically in the episode, there is a gay teacher at the South Park Elementary and he wants to
fired. He wants to get fired and he wants to, know, to sue. And he does it by being over the top, overtly, explicitly homosexual in front of children. Just so he can sue the school and get $25 million in damages. But again, this is 2002. He can’t get fired because all of a sudden
All the children’s parents are falling all over themselves to appear tolerant of his homosexuality. The kids in the class are like, what in the world? This is impossible. I mean, I can’t. You have to watch the episode. But again, it’s it’s over the top and just, you know, the crap that’s going on. Let me just say they have some Richard Gere moments there. And again, I’ll just leave it at that. Some of the the kids that don’t go along with this, they’re sentenced and they’re sent to a a tolerance camp.
which basically looked like a Nazi concentration camp. the show, all the scenes are in black and white. was like was like Schindler’s List is how they ended up filling it. It was honestly, was a brilliant episode, 2002. Okay, you know what? You don’t have to tolerate this crap. You don’t. You don’t, and it’s about time you stop tolerating this nonsense. It’s disgusting, the crying out loud.
We all know it to be discussed. We all see it. We all see it. all there. Are you freaking kidding me? You got guys with beards? What the hell is going on, man?
end with this was interesting. Mainstream media report on this. Paris had a massive blackout. 24 hours after the Olympic. Olympic ceremony, whatever you want to call it, debacle, disgusting display. The only lights that were on. Were of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, located at the summit of.
It’s a dome 200 meters off the river. It overlooks the entire city of Paris and its suburbs. It’s the only building that had its lights on. And again, was great to say they had a worship ceremony. The Christians got together the next day and acted appropriately. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.