REACTION: Did Trump Blow It with A SNOOZER RNC Speech?
Okay, Trump speech report card time. B minus, B minus. You know, without fail, my mother called me this morning asking me what my thoughts were on the Trump speech. And I told her and she’s like, gee, Chris, you’re a really tough grader. Not really. Not really. Okay. How many people out there? Be honest. How many people out there during their speech, grabbed their phone and started scrolling? How many?
Come on, don’t lie. You know you did it. You know you did it. Whoa, long, speech convention history. Good, he started out great. Started out great. I like the fact that he was soft spoken throughout the entire thing. There was a funny meme floating around today. was like, you know, from the Lord of the Rings. was like Donald the Grey turned into Donald the White.
He’s supposed to go through, he’s supposed to go through the various different things that he did and was successful for with during his tenure. And he did that. He did that and also pointed out many of the things that he’s planning on doing. Again, it’s a convention speech. It’s a convention speech, much like State of the Union speeches, they don’t really get into specifics. And that’s, again, that’s what we’re going to be dealing with moving forward. We’re going to be talking about it quite often here on the program.
try to get into the nitty gritty in the specifics. I hold politicians accountable. Okay, equal opportunity basher here on the program. People know this. They’ve been watching this program for a long time, listening to me for a long time. You say you’re going to do something, I want to know the who, what, where, why, and how. And we will get to that. Went into usual Trump stand up comedian form.
He has no problem with the teleprompter, unlike his, his chief competitor there, Joe Biden, who has a real difficult time at this point time. And he delivered it well. mean, he obviously, you know how Trump is, he’s going to start, you know, freestyling a little bit here and there, but overall, overall, no, no, it’s not, not an a speech, not an a speech long winded. And it’s going to give ample opportunity. how long did it take for some of the people on the left?
start talking about, know, you know who all gives really long speeches. Dictators do dictate. They’re going to start comparing him to Fidel Castro and Maduro and Mussolini and other dictators that give long, long, long speeches. Again, set up for that. Don’t buy into any of that nonsense. It’s now onto the campaign trail and it’s also on to start showing me the specifics. Remember?
Jerry Maguire, show me the money! No, show me the specifics. Show me your plan. You’ve thrown a lot out there. Thrown a lot out there. We get all that. Okay, you’re do this, that, the next thing. Okay, particularly talks, he was talking about the debt, which is obviously a major concern of ours here. We’ve talked about it for some time. He’s gonna get that debt down. He says he’s gonna do it by growing the economy. It’s gonna take a little bit more than that. Donald.
It’s going to take a little bit more than just growing the economy to get things in check. Again, we’re going to protect social security. How the hell do again, what are you going to do? Station a guard outside of Al Gore’s lock box. Okay. Need the info here. Need the info here at the Watchdog on Wall Street Show. But other than that, phenomenal convention. mean, getting praised on the left.
on the right, the unity that was involved. I even mentioned yesterday, you know, I haven’t missed, you know, not attending conventions, going back to the Romney Convention, but you know, I said to myself, I kind of wish I was at this one. It looked like they had a really good time. looks like things were put together really well. Anyway, anyway, we shall see and we’ll be reporting on it. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.