Old School Investing
Yes, little old school investing. remember I wrote a column after the dot com collapse and after 9 -11 and markets still down and flat and nobody knowing what’s going on and what to do. And one of the things that has allowed our portfolios for our clients to withstand. I’ll get into anti -fragile.
sometime this week is you build a portfolio with foundational companies. What has always worked over time? And again, it might not be working right there in the here and now, but it will work over time and it will allow you to withstand various different shocks.
Old school, I wrote the column old school investing as kind of like a tee off that movie old school that came out in 2003 with Vince Vaughn. it was it was a funny movie where they all go back to school. anyway, history. History doesn’t repeat itself, but. It rhymes. Famous line, right? All the market panics, sell offs, whatever it may be, each and every event.
Again, mainstream media narrative at the time. It’s the end of the world as we know it. my God, things are terrible. They’re never gonna get better. Lots of stock photography of people holding their heads. Again, what do we say? Never been on the end of the world. It’s only gonna happen one time. Too many investors oftentimes these market runups. It’s one fad that gets out of control, a bit of a bubble situation.
end of the 1990s, dot com, real estate, bubble, disruptor companies, and maybe even to some degree, some of the AI stuff that we have today. You can have a period of time where things don’t really go anywhere overall. And again, that’s a time where you look to accumulate. But if you also have a foundation in your portfolio of companies that are paying dividends,
You’re gonna do well. Okay. What do we say in regards to our process? Compounding is the royal road to riches Now well, let’s just say we’ll play it right now, you know, let’s just say the overall market, know, it’s it’s come up It’s been volatile as of late It doesn’t do that. Well over the next I don’t know year Two years three. I had three. I doesn’t matter. Okay, if you are accumulating
And in the interim, you’ve got companies that are paying you to own them and you’re reinvesting those dividends. When the market comes out of things, that’s that’s how you build real wealth. All of the buying, all the accumulation that we did during market sell offs, when everybody was trying to scare the pants on
You better go out and buy your gold coins and a seed bank and a bunker.
We didn’t do any of that. Again, never bet on the end of the world. It’s only going to happen one time. And make sure you have a foundation in your portfolio of high quality dividend paying stocks. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.