NYC Transit’s Biggest Blunder? The Hilarious Reality of Congestion Pricing.
Honestly, you got to laugh. You got to laugh at these idiots. The congestion pricing, congestion pricing in New York City got called off. Governor, the governor delayed it. I mean, she wants it. But guess what? Reality is smacking her upside the head. Yeah, she’s concerned about the rising cost of living and New York’s economic recovery.
Do you understand if you had to take a you got to take a bridge or a tunnel? And I’m not talking the, you know, the Queensborough. I’m talking that the ones you got to pay for what it would cost to actually go into the city with congestion pricing. You have any idea? I mean, you’re getting to almost 40 bucks. 40 bucks just to get in. But again, none too happy.
None too happy are the folks at the MTA that wanted that money. Wanted that money. The MTA is saying, well, it’s gonna hurt with congestion. This is terrible. Traffic on bridges and tunnels has returned to pre -pandemic levels. But guess what? No one’s riding the trains in the subways. It’s about 60 % of 2019 levels.
yeah, this has been going on by the little dictators have wanted as well. Actually, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg originally proposed this, but Michael Bloomberg, despite the fact that law and order guy did a lot. Well, he also did a lot of things that are just screwed up. the parking in New York city and the stupid bike lanes, the stupid bike lanes that the way that they set it up, getting rid of parking, causing more traffic, more congestion, all nonsensical.
Now again, New York City is not, sorry, it’s not a biking city. It’s not. It’s not a city. I had a bike in New York City. Okay. And I would, I would bike in Central Park from time to time I ride it. It’s like you got your life in your hands for crying out loud. But anyway, not to mention the fact, you know, they talked about, hey, we got to set up these bike things, get rid of cars so people can bike to work.
Yeah, that’s exactly what you want to do in New York in the middle of July and August is get in, put a suit on and ride your bike to work. It’s nonsensical. But again, you take a look at the MTA, you take a look at some of the unions that were behind this. The waste that’s involved, the fleecing of the people in the surrounding area, and I guess when people are leaving in droves, quite frankly, is the
It’s ridiculous. You get on a Long Island Railroad. You get on a Long Island Railroad. It’s almost like you’re, I can think of the Universal Studios and the Hogwarts Express there, where you get the old fashioned train ticket takers with the little punch things. They still do that. With all of the technology we have today and all this stuff, they still have old.
fashion ticket takers on the Long Island trains and the Metro North going around and punching tickets. If you’re not familiar, you watch Dom Draper and Mad Men. Yeah, I’m talking like that old school. The technology hasn’t changed. And you know what’s funny is they all make over six figures. Not a big job. You know, six figures there. And the MTA is complaining that they don’t have enough money and they need congestion pricing. No.
No, no, you guys need to be productive like the rest of the planet. Watchdogonwallstreet .com.