Not Boarding the Trump Train!
Okay, here we are. We’re at New Hampshire, part of the big old nominating process, which I find ridiculous. But anyway, a lot of big time Trump supporters listen to this podcast, listen to the show and getting emails and Chris, what are you going to do? Trump wins later on today and beats Nikki Haley. Are you going to be boarding the Trump train? No.
Don’t get angry. Take a deep breath. Okay. I’m gonna tell you why. I’m gonna tell you why. First and foremost, first and foremost, I know everyone’s thrilled. The Trump supporters out there thrilled. He wins New Hampshire. He’s ahead in South Carolina. And again, we’ve gone over the polls. We talked about him here on the program and where he stands against Biden. Please stop getting excited.
There’s a long way to go. Some of the things, the internal polls that many are not discussing, in particular, Iowa, 43% of the people that voted for Nikki Haley said they would back Joe Biden over Trump. Now, as it stands right now, like I said, it’s January 23rd.
Um, I’m not voting for either. I’ll right now I’m probably in the Kennedy camp or just probably go to a, uh, go to the gym that day rather than go and vote. I mean, I’m, I’m not at this point in time. I’m not in, I’m not voting for Biden though, but anyway, um, it’s a dynamic that’s been on display, uh, for some time. Um, we’ve seen this before again, you have enter party.
divisions. Again, I was there at the Democratic Convention, Republican Convention back in 2008. And what didn’t make the news, but many Democrats were trying to, I don’t know, super delegates, they didn’t want Obama. They didn’t want Obama. And it was a lot of drama going on behind the scenes at the Democratic Convention in Denver. And the Hillary
Hillary clamped it. What would they call them? Puma. What was it? Party. Yeah, that was what they call them. Party unity. My ass. That was the movement, the Hillary Clinton movement back then they wanted to stop Barack Obama. Again, it was a juggernaut and Obama killed it. Anyway, anyway. What’s different about this time? And again, we’ve talked about the fact that Donald Trump
is running as he’s an incumbent.
He’s an incumbent. He’s not a first time candidate making a pitch. People know what they’re going to get.
they know what they’re going to get when it comes Trump. And many people are saying, I know what I’m getting and I don’t want that. And again, the people that are vehemently against him, these are people that voted for him in the past are pretty strident, which is gonna be a difficult hill to climb for Donald Trump. I compared it, it’s like,
It’s like watching movies. You know, there’s certain films out there that I can watch again and again and again. And there’s other ones where even though I, you know, may have liked the film the first time around, I have no desire to see that movie again. And that’s how it is with Trump at this point in time, quite frankly. So again, you know, it’s gonna be a very, very difficult hill to climb. I also wanna point out as well,
You’re talking about a situation right now with Trump that he hasn’t done well. He hasn’t done well in the last three national elections because, again, he was in charge. Was he not?
You want to go to 2018, you want to go to 2020, you go to 2022. Trump was the, again, he was the Republican front runner. He was the president of the United States. He has been, he’s underperformed and lost in the last three national elections. I know many Republicans right now are pining saying that the party hasn’t…
In their opinion, this is what they’re saying, is the party hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. And the possibility that another loss for Trump this time around might do something. Again, I don’t put any faith in the Republican Party. I’m not a member of the Republican Party for a myriad of reasons. So let’s talk about the issues.
Okay, people are gonna get I know I’m gonna get the emails out there. Hi, you’re not gonna vote for Trump You’re you know, you’re Marxists are gonna win and yada yada. Yeah, I listen Okay You know cut it out cut it out with the nonsense, please, you know spare me Not to say that I won’t vote for Trump but Right now He my opinion he is
unprepared. He is the any vision that he is offering on things. Quite frankly, it’s a couple of the items. I am very much against what he wants to do. And the other things other topics that he talks about on the campaign trail he just says yes, we’re going to get rid of the national debt.
Could you provide some details on what you’re planning to do to tackle these issues? Because you go to his website, you go to his website and he’s got his various different issues that he talks about.
maybe a sentence or two.
Maybe a sentence or two on how these things are going to be handled. No specifics whatsoever. Yeah, that was that was a part of repeal and replace Obamacare. If you do recall, right? Had votes that really wanted it. They just didn’t have anything to replace it with. I mean, OK, you say you’re going to do something. Sorry, you want to explain to me how. You’re going to do some of these things.
Listen, I understand he talks about dismantling the deep state. He wants to reissue that 2020 executive order. It was called Schedule F, which would allow him to reclassify masses of employees. Again, draining the deep state, the swamp. It’s easier said than done. Again, I don’t know if this is going to pass the legal test.
Vivek had an interesting way of, you know, doing it. He was going to make it random to some degree or was going to be based upon the last digit of your Social Security number. The US-Mexico border. He’s pledged to immediately stop the invasion of the southern border and illegal immigration. He will direct US immigration customs enforcement to undertake the largest domestic deportation operation in American
history. Now again, that sounds good.
It sounds good, but how do you plan on doing that?
You want to take a look at the amount of ICE agents that we have, border security. What about certain cities and states that are sanctuary that aren’t going to cooperate like happened in the past?
How many people are we planning on hiring to follow through on this? Just show me some details, okay? I’m gonna say, I can understand business plans. It’s what I do for a living, okay? I can take a look at a business plan and I can tell you whether or not it’s gonna be successful, but you wanna show me something, right? Just saying you’re gonna do something, quite frankly, is not good enough.
and the policy positions he’s put up on his website, again, a sentence or two, it’s incomplete.
Now, the one thing here that I am vehemently against, again, this is stupid. This is dumb. And I don’t think a lot of you Trump supporters fully understand just how dumb his tariff policy is. This 10% tariffs on just about anything that comes in to this country across the board. That’s inflationary.
Not to mention the fact that you’re talking about goods, you’re talking about inputs that companies here in the United States have to buy to put out a finished product. So it makes their costs go up. When Trump instituted his tariffs the last time around, I’ve got a lot of clients.
and people I know that are involved in construction and home building and a myriad of different things.
and talking about how much more expensive everything has gotten because of these tariffs, because again, they have to pay the price on the shingles that are coming in from Canada or wherever it may be. And who ends up paying? The person that ends up buying the product, you and I.
Tariffs haven’t worked. You can, we can go and you can take a look.
and they talk about, oh, these are the jobs that were created in manufacturing. It’s not true.
It’s not true. It’s been a disaster. It shrinks rather than expands. You are raising the cost on producers here in the United States. It hamstrings American production. It hamstrings American competitiveness. Every job supposedly created or saved by tariffs.
forces, forces Americans to pay more.
And again, keeps non-competitive companies operating. And you can, don’t believe me, go look at the data yourself. And that’s the one specific, one of the few specifics that he’s laid out is 10% tariffs on everything. Trump after winning the Iowa caucus, he’s given a speech.
and he said, we’re also gonna pay off the national debt. It’s about time.
Yeah, he also said the same thing. Said the same thing back in 2016. And in fact, if you look at the Republican Party platform from 2016, it gives the national debt, maybe a paragraph.
Maybe, maybe a paragraph. Okay, Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our national debt. 8 trillion, but COVID, COVID. Okay, half of it.
Half of that, you want to give him a, I don’t know, what’s it called, a handicap? You want to give him a handicap, a golfer’s handicap? Half of that money was COVID. So did he deal with the national debt at all? At all. And this is where it also comes down to another issue, which is obviously very important to us at Markowski Investments, and that’s.
see people’s retirement and social security and Donald Trump’s line of attack on anybody that’s looking to actually do something when it comes to social security and again I am not by any stretch the imagination in the Nikki Haley camp but at least I have to give her credit for being honest when it comes to social security and the need to reform what we have now.
You know, Donald Trump pulled out his, the old Democratic golden oldie with Paul Ryan pushing grandma off a cliff. What did he say here? He had radio ads running in New Hampshire here. Year after year, you paid into Social Security. Now Nikki Haley wants to keep you from collecting what’s yours. Miss Haley would cut benefits for 82% of Americans.
I know it’s politics, but that’s a lie. First and foremost, Social Security’s running out of money. It’s running out of money. It’s gonna be cut by 23% within 10 years. It’s gonna be cut between 23% within 10 years. Now, the infancy of Markowski Investments, go back and read my columns from back then. I warned people that this was gonna happen.
warned people and I said, you know what, you want to really prepare, really want to prepare for retirement. Plan on not getting social security. That’s part of Donald Trump’s ad. Americans were promised a secure retirement. They were.
They were. I don’t recall. I said, you can build to secure your retirement and if you’re smart, like I said, you’re not planning on getting social security. I went yesterday, I went to, they get a little social security, go to their website and you have your account and you’re gonna see how much you’re gonna be getting at a certain age and I laugh. I laugh, but you know.
Quite honestly, if I don’t get it, I don’t get it. The one thing I don’t want to do is be taxed anymore as I’m paying the maximum already and I’m a business owner so I’m paying over 12% as it is, which in essence I look at it as tax. People are, it’s FICA, no, it’s the same shit. Okay? Income taxes, no, we’ll combine the two, okay?
Combine income taxes, combine your payroll taxes. It’s a tax. And when you’re a business owner, you pay twice.
I’d rather not get a dime and have them come and try to raise social security taxes, my payroll taxes again. Anyway, again, I’m not saying that Haley has got any sort of detailed proposal, but she basically said, hey, listen, this is going to be anybody in their 40s, 50s, 60s or older. It’s not going to touch, not going to touch that age group. The younger generation is going to have to pony up.
when it comes to this and obviously you’ve got demographics that we’ve talked about here on the program that are different now than when Social Security was put together. She talks about limiting the benefits on the wealthy. Okay, just don’t tax me more. Okay, I don’t, I pay enough as it is.
Why this scares me is that, you know, I’ve written columns talking about the Treasury Department already has contingency plans put into place. I wrote about them in one of my columns entitled Retirement Raid, where, again, they’ve got a plan where they would just basically get rid of 401Ks and IRAs and create another government account, a government annuity, which essentially would basically confiscate all of your money.
They’d say you have it. They say it’s your account, whatever it may be. But forget about stocks. You have no choice but to buy government bonds, which again, you’d lending the government money, which would perpetuate the Ponzi scheme. And again, you know, maybe I’ll bring it up. We’ll talk about on the radio show this weekend. This is actually they’ve been working on this. This goes back to the Obama administration.
Again, you take a look at the numbers and you take a look at the direction we’re heading. And if you don’t deal with entitlements, you’re not dealing with the national debt. Back during COVID, when I was blasting the COVID response and you seeing the demographic breakup of COVID and who was it affecting. And I said, it’s almost like this was designed by the Chinese, like a Logan’s run.
type of a disease to kill older people because China’s in deeper trouble. They’re not having any kids and they’re going to have all these older people and they got to find a way to get rid of them. And again, conspiracy theory alert what I just said. But if that was to come out, would I be the slightest bit surprised? No.
No, I wouldn’t. So again, Donald Trump, Trump train. No, I’m not getting on the Trump train. Do some of the things I agree with, with Donald Trump and some of his policies, foreign policy, apps are fricking lootly.
I’m with them there. And again, some of the some of the old school Republicans, they call it isolation. It’s not isolationist. You know, it’s peace through strength. And I don’t like that the media puts a lot of that crap out, like saying he’s like anti Reagan. I’m giving Trump credit right here. Anti Reagan, when it comes to his foreign policy, that’s horse manure. I don’t recall, you know, Reagan.
starting wars all over the darn place for crying out loud. Yeah, did we up our military expenditures? Yeah, you won the Cold War, what about having to fire a damn shot?
So yeah, do we need to rethink NATO? Apps of freaking Lily need to rethink NATO. We already went over that here on the program. So the 11 countries that are actually paying their fair share when it comes to NATO. All of our adventures going back to post-World War II, for the most part, been an absolute disaster. Some of this other stuff, again, I… They talk a lot.
this and I know a lot of the MAGA people are really into it. You know he wants to he said he wants to ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that only two genders as determined at birth are recognized by the United States. Okay listen I you know I don’t play the as we all know I don’t I don’t play the
wisdom where the young kid you know basic was telling the Arnold Schwarzenegger that boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. Great movie. But anyway yeah I agree with that kid in kindergarten class too. But these are, it’s they’re cosmetic. These socialists to me are cosmetic at this point in time. The pendulum will automatically swing back in the same direction. We’re seeing that happening.
already. What do I mean by cosmetic? When you have, let’s just say a hurricane comes through. Hurricanes, our friends down in southwest Florida, for example, got hurt hit by the hurricane and you know you get a big your shingles on your roof come off, you got a hole and you got water coming into your house. You also have some of the pictures on your wall get knocked down and broken.
What do you focus on first? Do you focus on the pictures on the wall? Do you focus on the big issues, the big problems? That’s what you have to tackle first. And again, some of these social issues, I find them important. You can lead on them. You can talk about them, but everything does not need to be legislated. And a lot of this can be left up the states. I’ll tell you something, DeSantis lost one of his
Biggest backers, one of the richest guys in the country, Ken Griffin, based upon a lot of his, you know, social policies in the state of Florida. Trump when it comes to energy, I agree with him wholeheartedly. I’m all on with the, you know, Sarah Palin drill baby drill. Education. Can I agree, you don’t need a Department of Education. It’s a joke. But, you know, again,
I do believe, and this is not a traditional.
A traditional Republican way of handling things, a conservative way. He wants a say in school curriculum. And quite frankly, we’re a big country, and I think that should be left up to the local communities. Again, got a 10th Amendment to the Constitution. We got states’ rights. I don’t think, I don’t think the President of the United States should be messing around on this. Now, he talks about he’s vowing to fight for patriotic
education. He says under his administrations schools will teach students to love their country and not to hate their country like they’re taught right now and will promote the nuclear family including the roles of mothers and fathers and the things that make men and women different and unique. Oh, okay. I think all you need to do, and I’m a big believer in teaching and kids understanding
in American history and if it’s taught properly, I think that kids are going to, in proper perspective, I think the kids are going to understand how lucky they are to live here. What a great country this is, but they also need to study our flaws, okay, because we’ve had plenty of them. We screwed up on a lot of things and it’s good to learn from that as well. Everything is not star-spangled awesome. And this is where, you know, again,
critical thinking is important. Homelessness. He wants to force the homeless off the streets by building tent cities on open, large open parcels of inexpensive land. I don’t see how that’s gonna work. Is that what we really want? We wanna start building tent cities?
I don’t like that. Again, I agree with you know, you have to reopen mental institutions and get the help to people that are obviously mentally ill. But I mean, I can think of much better ways of handling this problem. We’re talking about, you know, more and more stores and malls going under and converting maybe some of those spaces into shelters, but not just that. And this is part of the problem as well. It’s not just not just creating a shelter.
Okay, you get people into these shelters, you gotta make sure you’re getting them off drugs. Okay, you gotta do everything you can. That’s gonna be a hard thing to do, but also as well. How about homeless shelters? Let’s say you got a closed up mall. That also, if you wanna be here, you’re gonna have to learn to trade. You’re gonna have to learn a skill so we can get you out of the homeless shelter and into a home of your own and into a job that you can perform.
Again, to me these seem like much better than putting up tent cities, which I don’t get that. This I don’t like at all. I mean, I’m sorry people. How do you think that this is going to look? This just talks about Trump and public safety. You’re going to send the National Guard into cities like Chicago that are struggling with violence?
Do you not see the unintended consequences, the things that might happen with putting the military in cities here in the United States to deal with crime? Again, I’m much more of a conservative libertarian than Donald Trump is. I don’t live in Chicago and I don’t live in San Francisco and I don’t live.
in Portland, I don’t live in New York City. The people there, you decide that you want to live in filth, well, you decided on that, elections have consequences. I can’t even imagine, you ain’t seeing, you know, what are you gonna have, you got tanks running through the streets of certain areas of Chicago and the United States of America?
Again, I grew up in a time, I mean younger people don’t realize, I never even saw an automatic weapon at an airport for crying out loud. Yeah, now they’re everywhere. You don’t even see it at international airports, you never see it here in the United States. You wanna have the military on the ground in cities.
No, no, I don’t think that’s a good idea. He’s also talked about this as well. He says, as a deterrent, local police should be empowered to shoot suspected shoplifters in the act. Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be shot as you’re leaving that store. Again, unintended consequence. Let me, do you?
You think people are gonna want to go to stores. Let’s say you’re a mom with your kids and you wanna go to Walmart and you wanna deal with the fact that if somebody is robbing or stealing stuff at a Walmart, there might be a shootout in the store when you’re there with your kids. I’m sorry, I’m just stupid.
It’s stupid. Yes, you want to have security on the way out. You want to grant people, but no, you’re not going to be shooting people at the Walmart to Target when they robbed a damn store. My God.
I just can’t you understand risk and reward here up somebody misses. It’s a security guard hits a kid.
You think any store is going to allow that, is going to want that type of liability? And there’s stories. Yeah. I’m all for having security and security and stopping people.
But shootouts at the store, come on. But anyway, I’ll get back to the Trump train, and I know, hey, you gotta get on the Trump train. No, I don’t. Until Donald Trump actually shows me some specifics, explains what he wants to do and how he’s gonna go about doing it. No, I’ll stay off it. I…
Be honest, I don’t care. Again, I said, if you don’t get a chance, go to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s site and take a look at the policies that he wants to implement. And do I agree with all of his policies? No, I don’t. No, I don’t agree with all of his policies, but at least he’s detailed in what he wants to do. Do I like a lot of his policies? Absolutely. And again, I know the…
The polling now shows that Robert F. Kennedy is going to pull more voters from Biden than he will Trump. But again, I don’t know what may happen after today. Trump might change. He’s going to have to. He’s going to have to change because you’re doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. 2018, 2020, 2022.
is a surefire loser. So yeah, okay, here goes the Trump train. You know, maybe I’ll catch it next time around, but he’s gonna have to do a hell of a lot better job. Anyway, I’ll remind everybody to take advantage of everything that we have at our website at Watc Again, this podcast as well, subscribe. And one of the things, again, we’re not gonna always agree on this podcast. That’s okay.
It’s okay to have disagreements and whatnot. And I do love the back and forth with the listeners from all over the country. So make sure you subscribe. You can put up a rating, whatever it may be. It helps us with the good old algorithms. Watc We’ll see you.