No Experience Necessary??
One of the things that we like to do here at the Watchdog on Wall Street Show and Markowski Investments, especially when it comes to looking at our fearless leaders in Washington, DC or elsewhere, is I like to take a look at their CVs, their resumes. We’ve gone off on the Federal Reserve. The fact that there is little to no experience at all when it comes to the private sector.
You look at a job ad entry level work, let’s say McDonald’s is hiring, no experience necessary. Well, as it turns out, you can you can apply for a job in the Kamala Harris or Joe Biden administration, basically the same thing and no experience is necessary. A report that was put out entitled Amateur Hour.
It’s from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. Doing what we often do here on the program, basically taking a look at the business acumen, the experience within the administration right now. She got Stephen Moore and John Decker taking a look at this. They looked at the work records and resumes, the top 66 officials who deal with economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy and finance.
58 % again, this is the executive branch of government working for the current administration. 58 % have zero. No business experience at all. It’s okay if you, like I said, if you want to start out working at a fast food joint, but again, we’re talking about people that
perfect economic policy that are writing rules and regulations. Again, you can take a look at walls, okay? Never worked, never worked in the private sector at all. Kamala Harris, not really. The average business experience of administration appointees, 3 .1 years.
I had that much experience by the time I was 10 for crying out loud. The median years of business experience is a big fat zero. Again, what do you have? You’ve got professional politicians, lawyers, academics, community organizers, government employees. It’s like I’m going back to Albany, New York for crying out loud. Everybody wants to work for the government.
right across the board. I mean, again, you see them make fools out of themselves when they speak. Jennifer Granholm’s energy secretary, Mayor Pete screwing one thing up after another. What’s his name there? Xavier Becerra, which is Health and Human Services. One screw up. And then you even got Lail Brainerd, okay, whose Biden’s choice as the vice chairman of the Federal Reserve. Yeah, she wants gender and
climate change to be major concerns and priorities at the Federal Reserve. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up. Again, you want to work for the Biden administration? You want to work your way up? Well, no experience necessary. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.