No, AI Is Not Going to Take Your Job
job losses and AI. So story comes out. My phone’s ringing off the hook. Chris, I got to talk about this. Artificial intelligence is coming for your job. Take your jobs. 41 % of employers intend to downsize their workforce as AI automates certain tasks.
Out of hundreds of large companies surveyed around the world, 77 % also said they were planning to re-skill and upskill their existing workers between 2025 and 2030 to better work alongside AI. Again, we’ve heard this before. I remember in the 80s, the worries back then about the auto industry and robots taking
jobs and automation and I remember the ridiculous comment that Barack Obama made when he, you know, we don’t see many bank tellers anymore. Well, yes, we don’t see many bank tellers anymore, Barack, because of ATMs, but banks hired people in other fields. This is the natural ebb and flow of things. I’ve been…
in this my industry for such a long period of time. Again, I go back and think about when I started and writing out physical buy and sell tickets and options orders and having to have assistance basically keep track of all of this with ink.
Writing this stuff down and holding pages, mean, massive trading room floors, it’s all gone.
It’s all gone. It’s all, you know, it’s all gone away. Just like many jobs throughout history have gone away. More jobs, more jobs have disappeared throughout history than most certainly are around right now. That’s just the realities of creative destruction. Yeah, AI is going to eliminate many, many jobs. And again, I’m hoping and praying that
it goes the way of taking care of government jobs and making them more efficient, we shall see. Yeah, I guess I get it. The concern out there is, and I was thinking about this when I read this, a future where everything is automated, nobody has to work. Again, people have pitched that as some sort of utopia. I think probably the best,
depiction of a society like that. And again, it was my opinion, was unbelievable, unbelievable Pixar film, WALL-E, highly disturbing. It actually came out in 2008 and it was actually far ahead of the game. In essence, mean, if you’re not familiar with the movie, well, long story short,
Human beings have to leave the earth due to destroying the environment, too much consumerism, no more vegetation, nothing but garbage everywhere. Okay, sounds like some sort of eco. No, no, no, it’s more than that. But anyway, I’ll talk about the human part of it, not the robot part of it. But human beings exist in a utopia, spaceships.
where they don’t even have to walk anymore. And they’re all over rate and they’re drinking their super big drinks and they got floating chairs to take them everywhere. And the other thing too is they’re on their screens all the time. They don’t understand the world around. And again, this is going back to 2008.
Say they called a lot of stuff in that movie. No, no people, I don’t think that lack of work is a utopian type of an existence that we want to live in by any stretch. I do believe that human beings need to overcome obstacles and achieve goals in order to enjoy life.
This idea that AI is going to control and dictate Haven’t bought into that yet. Will it replace a lot of jobs? Absolutely Absolutely, if you think that you might be one of those jobs well again Sure blacksmiths weren’t thrilled with the automobile coming along we live in also a day and age to
And I’m not trying to be flippant here by any stretch of the imagination where you can educate yourself. There’s never been a point in time where you have the ability to learn a new trade, get a new skill, whatever it may be, and as quickly as possible. All right in front of you. All right in front you. Take a class wherever you want if this is something that worries you.
But no, do I think that it’s gonna be this mass layoff all at once? No, it’s just 41 % of companies plan to reduce workforces. certain jobs are going to go away. It’s called productivity.