Native Born Americans Are Getting SCREWED In Biden’s Economy
Time for a little economic reality check. And like I said, don’t doubt me when it comes to the narrative spins that are coming our way. But in this case, you know, the narrative spin, like I said before, is going to turn out to be a Hail Mary pass to raise interest rates. Mohammed El-Erian, he actually used to manage some money for us at Markowski Investments back in the day. He is now the president of the Queen’s College of Cambridge in Cambridge, England. All right. He used to run Harvard’s endowment too for a period of time. Well, Mohammed, he’s a lefty. He’s a lefty. He is. He’s been a Democrat. I’d say lefty. He’s Democrat. But he actually went on Fox Business. And he said that the economy is slowing at a much, much faster than the Fed is expecting right now. The Fed needs to act. And he actually pointed out that, man, it’s, you know,
Fed was slow to act when they were saying inflation is transitory and they better act now because the economy is slowing. Well, we know the economy is slowing and the economy has been a fugazi for an extended period of time because of government spending. They’ve got to get everyone on board as far as interest rate cuts are concerned. That’s what they’re looking to do at this point in time. Okay, that again, that is the Hail Mary Joe Biden pass. Yeah.
Has the economy slowed? Has the economy been weaker? Yeah, absolutely. It was interesting to take a look. And again, this is something we reported on here on the podcast. It was about a year ago, if I’m not mistaken, talking about the job gains here in the United States. But if you actually take a look at the internals and tomorrow, the numbers are coming out.
there really hasn’t been any increase in jobs created here in the United States for native born workers. And this is, go back, this is almost like five years due to this. Again, you’ve got all of these authorization to work forms here in the United States that have been given out. And they, again, they extend for up to five years. And one of the things I have to point out,
You got to think about this in terms of inflation. You’ve got that many illegal workers with these types of working papers that are taking up all of these jobs and are obviously lower paid jobs. It’s lowering what businesses have to pay. What do you think inflation would look like if that wasn’t the case? Just something to get your arms around and a bit of an economic reality check. And here, a not so great.
economic reality check. And this is part of the road to serfdom, highway to hell road to socialism, whatever you want to call it here on the program, more and more younger Americans do not want to have children in today’s economy. Can you take a look at the price of homes? A new survey, Jenna Ziers 1997 to 2012 birth years. Four in 10 young people said that they will delay marriage.
and Parenthood 38 % said they hope to get married and have children over raising a pet due to financial stress.
Again, rampant inflation, high costs of living, same thing again and again and again that these kids are saying. And when I say road to serfdom, highway to hell, socialism that I’ve been complaining about for a long time. We’re going the way of Europe. This is what has transpired, we’re taking place in Europe. And again, we’re deciding to take on what they’re taking on at this point in time. Higher costs, higher inflation, bigger government.
more government spending, you want all this, well, you know what? You can say sayonara to try and have a big family, because people just can’t afford it. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.