Mineral Deal and Ukraine
Yeah, I’m getting a little tired of all the lefties out there that are criticizing Donald Trump and Marco Rubio and what they’re trying to put forward with the Ukraine and the mineral deal there. That’s stealing. How could they do that? How can Trump demand these these minerals and all this wealth from Ukraine? That’s terrible. Listen, either we take over all of the the minimal wealth there
or it’s going to be stolen. Marco Rubio just did an interview with Cathleen Hennepenberg and he said, we discussed mineral rights with Zelinski and said, we want to be in a joint venture with you because we think we need a security guarantee. We need to be paid back some of the 200 billion in taxpayer money we’ve given you. He said, sure, I needed to run it through my legislative process. Two days later, he’s saying he rejected the deal. That’s not what happened in the meeting.
trying to help these guys. Ukraine doesn’t directly impact the daily lives of Americans. There should be some gratitude here. And it’s there’s more to it than that. You take a look at anywhere the former Soviet Russia and all of their various different break off republics.
Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, even Ukraine. Many of these former places have unbelievable minimal wealth. And the people don’t own it. They don’t have it. This was carved up and it was given to the elites. And again, I’ve discussed this before on
the program, regards to we love our love having in our little lists. World’s wealthiest people. it’s Elon Musk. it’s Jeff Bezos. it’s what’s his name there? Bernard from LVMH, whatever it may be. Listen, that’s a lot of BS. Okay, quite frankly, I guess it depends on what the meaning of the word richest man in the world is.
know, Jeff Bezos, he’s got a lot of Amazon stock. started the company. Okay. But, and again, he’s got to sell his stock or borrow against his stock. These people have faucets. Faucets where money pours out of them.
That’s what they are. You see, we here in the United States, we didn’t carve up and give all of the mineral wealth to a few people. Companies, yeah, sure. You get wildcatters out there. There’s a great television show, Landman, which is fantastic, talks about some of this. But you know, these people that went out and…
developed it and took risks and some made it and some didn’t. These are existing facilities and areas that if we don’t step in, we don’t step in and figure out a way that everyone can get wealthy. Anybody here in the United, you want to go buy, can buy Chevron stock, buy Exxon, whatever it may, whatever you want, you can own it. You can be a part. It doesn’t work that way over there.
until much later on after the fact. remember when Gazprom went, when Gazprom go public late, was probably like 1997, I remember correctly. But again, it’s just gonna get taken over. Oligarchs are gonna take over all of this unless we step in there and handle it. It’s not like the United States, we’re gonna take the thing over.
and it’s going to be owned by the United States government. No, we’ll set it up and we’ll have various different companies come in and bid for it and put the things together and it’ll work. The funny thing is that
We decided to wreck Iraq, which we did, and I don’t even know what the final bill was for that. But we left and China stepped in and handled all of the oil contracts over there. How stupid was that?
Pretty dumb.
Pretty dumb. Again, Europe’s not gonna be able to handle this. They don’t even wanna get involved in energy over there anymore. They just want windmills, windmills and solar panels. How are they gonna handle it? Several French energy companies as well, and I’m sure that they’ll probably get involved in the bidding in some way, shape, or form. But again, if you want Ukraine to truly succeed, you gotta get the oligarchs out of that.
entire business. And again, this is kind of a probably a point of contention with Vladimir Putin because that’s how that nation is run. Okay, it’s run on oligarchs controlling various different natural resources because they have them. We don’t. Okay, I just did a podcast on Africa. Think about all of the natural resources in Africa. Africa should be rolling in
The dough. These, these, these should be wealthy. It’s not.
Not because again it’s stuff’s controlled by oligarchs. And us stepping in and taking over that type of wealth, who’s going to manage it better? American businesses or Eastern European crooks? Watchdog on wallstreet.com.