Michelle Obama for President??
Michelle Obama for president. I’ve been talking about the switcheroo that I think is gonna be coming, either at the convention or right after the convention. And I get questions people commenting about whether or not Michelle Obama is gonna run. And I didn’t think in my, I don’t think so.
I mean, she lives a pretty nice life. She’s got the place there and marked this vineyard. I don’t know. So I’ve kind of been pushing back against it, but there was a great column by Heather Higgins today that got me thinking a little bit here. Again, I’ve been talking about how the Democrats basically based upon their rules can do whatever the hell they want.
And this is going back to Bob Tauraselli and the trouble that he got into in 2002. And they were actually allowed to break New Jersey state law and replace him on the ballot late in the game with Frank Lautenberg, who ended up winning. He got himself into all sorts of trouble. Tauraselli did. So anyway, you take a look, take a look at Biden’s poll.
numbers and you know we head into the convention and again we talk about the reality the terrain when it comes to inflation we’re watching it now we talk about it on the podcast now again unemployment is going up we’ve got lots of layoffs that are coming down the pike not going to look good for Joe Biden so who’s going to fill in for him who’s going to be the placeholder well um again
Michelle Obama, would you really want to do anything like that? And I know what’s interesting too, is Karl Rove, Karl Rove did an interview recently and I think it was on Stuart Varney’s program. And he asked about that and he said, no way that won’t happen. That’s Barack Obama going for a third term. People, people wouldn’t go for it.
And I thought about that a little bit more reading this column today. Again, Heather Heather points this out. I don’t know. Let’s go back. Let’s go back in time because all of the the elephant intelligentsia back in 2008 said no way. No way was Barack going to win. Even the DNC intelligentsia didn’t believe that Obama could win.
the general election. And like I said, I was there. I was there at the DNC there in Denver when, you know, Hillary’s camp was trying to usurp Obama at the convention. They wanted to use the super delegates. They eventually cut a deal, made Hillary Clinton Secretary of State, said, okay, after Obama’s done, you can run. Anyway, okay, neither here nor there. One, they thought…
Romney was going to be able to beat him in 2012, especially with how weak the economy was at that point in time. And then you get Romney running one of the worst campaigns I’ve ever seen. It was pathetic and sad at all levels. Got his butt kicked. All right. In this column, Heather writes, as a New Jersey case proved, the closer you get to election day before making the switch, the better chance you will have.
Make sense. That gives the opposition less time to do research, put ads together, do polling, figure out how you’re going to strategize, all that good stuff. So, less time that actually, you know, you actually even have to campaign. And not to mention all the free press you’re going to get with a story like this. Now this could be done at the convention. However,
It requires 300 delegates signatures, which again, you’d be a lot of, well, a lot of back rooms, smoke -filled, scotch -drinking rooms and whatnot that would need to take place over a period of time. A lot of deals would need to be cut. And Heather said to make 1968 look like a picnic. All of a sudden, you know, but if Biden were, you know, two weeks after the convention, all of a sudden he’s got health issues.
And he’s going to finish out his term, but he’s not going to run. Michelle has 91 % popularity among Democrats. When they left the White House, she was positive 68 % nationally. That’s Republicans and Democrats. And she could say, you know what, she wants to do this for the good of
the country. It’s interesting. It’s interesting. The DNC did it before. 1972 was the Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton. News came out that he had shock therapy, I guess, 10 years prior. And then they replaced him with Sergeant Shriver in that situation. Again, that was a drubbing, but obviously it was a very different point in time and a different situation.
How would Trump run against, she’s kind of Teflon. Okay, she’s pretty popular celebrity, doesn’t really have a track record. Again, you know, you think about when Barack Obama ran and compare the on the ground climate here in the United States when it comes to race, it was much better then than it is now. You know, a lot of criticism, racist, sexist, all of those.
Accusations, not to mention the fact you were placing, you know, okay, Kamala Harris, a minority female with a minority female. And in Heather’s column as well, it’s kind of, she looks into, you know, a recently an entire special edition of Life Magazine about Michelle Obama was out kind of showing pictures of her.
back when she was in the White House looking presidential. I’m not throwing it off. I’m really not. You know, at this point, I mean, for a while I was like, no way, no way, no how. Got me changing my mind a little bit about whether or not Michelle Obama would run. And I wonder, I haven’t seen any polls.
I think they must have conducted some polls when it in regards to this, but against Donald Trump. You betting on Trump against Michelle Obama? I’m not. Anyway, Watchdog on wallstreet .com.