Liberals Are STILL Wearing Masks In 2024
I took to the YouTube today, I had to go back and watch this is actually 1993, Jeff Foxworthy. You might be a redneck if actually, actually wrote a column years ago talking about that you might be a, you know, Republican or right wing loon if and I was basically making fun of the fact that all of the fools, the Keith Olberins of the world and
making fun of a Tea Party members because gee whiz, we wanted to cut government spending and wanted greater government efficiency. It’s all the rage now. The Tea Party’s basically doge. But anyway, let’s put that aside. Mask, you’re in a mask. You might be a left-wing loon. It’s either that or guess what? You’re up to no good. Period. The end. I have…
Zero tolerance. I’m sorry, you listen, you’re a mask wearer, stay the hell, get the hell away from me. I don’t want to see you. I’ve actually been in stores where I needed help and a salesperson comes over and they’ve got a mask on and I’m like, I’m sorry, I don’t hear very well. I need to speak to somebody where I can actually see their mouth move. Yet you might be a left-wing loon. Do you watch in these protests?
You watch the protests that are taking place yesterday in New York City and they’re all, know, justice, just, and I got the stupid cardboard signs and they’re wearing their stupid masks. I’d say 90 % plus I’m wearing masks. I see you wearing them automatically. Automatically. put your, your intelligence way, way, way, way down there for crying out loud. You’re wearing a mask. Really?
I’m immune compromised. shut the blank up. Who are you trying to, remember? I was in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. I don’t know. This is probably last year. Last year, and I’m watching kids on bicycles. Kids, because they were young people with masks on.
Why are you wearing a mask? Unless of course you’re up to no good and you’re gonna steal something and you don’t want to be seen or recognized by any of the cameras, that’s why you’re wearing a mask. I mean for crying out loud, if we were to go back to the 1980s and I saw a bunch of kids, we saw a bunch of kids riding around with ski masks on, we’re what the hell? There are a bunch of hoodlums, there are a bunch of criminals and we would all know it. Okay, you might be, no, no, no, you are a left-wing loon if you’re wearing a mask and stay the hell away from me.