Kamala and Trump’s No Tax on Tips Plan Won’t Work (Here’s Why)
All right, I got to sound off on this whole tips tax populism stuff here. Kamala Harris copied what Donald Trump said. It is my promise to everyone here when I am president will continue to fight for working families, including raise the minimum wage, because that’s working out so well and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. She said her tips tax exemption would include an income.
limit. Tip service, service and hospitality workers include strippers. They include them too. I think they make a decent chunk of change. Again, get the waiters and bartenders in New York City at fancy restaurants. They’re all making six figures. they are. They’re doing quite well. But anyway, Trump, Trump got upset Kamala.
Because she copied my tipstacks deal, my populism. Yeah. Yeah. So basically that was that was basically checkmate for Kamala on that one. Basically neutralized Trump’s thing and will guess guess who decided to guess who decided to come out and support Kamala Harris there, the Culinary Workers Union Local 226 in Las Vegas. Yeah, Trump was going for that. Didn’t get it.
They were gonna actually, they would come over to Republican side. Are you kidding me? There is absolutely no economic justification whatsoever for this law. This is the problem. Carbouts, handouts and giveaways within the tax code for anyone. The tax code should be one page long. One page. That’s it.
But no, here we’re going to add more pages and more carve -outs because we’re looking to buy people’s votes.
Again, Trump started, again, he was trying. He thought he had a winner there. He thought he had a populist winner there. And come on, checkmate, I’ll do it too.
The tax code shouldn’t be used for social policy here and political favoritism in the United States. It always has been. It was one of my suggestions I talked about years ago. said the tax code, like the federal registry, you to shoot that thing into the sun. It’s just one of the reasons and the abilities why Congress spends three quarters of their time raising money because they can write tax laws.
and they could provide a handout, a giveaway, cutout, whatever it may be for some favorite class. Trump saw this as an opportunity and would get a lot of print and paper, which it did. Didn’t work out though. Didn’t work out. Anyway, stop doing things, you know, make America great again. You say all these things, drain the swamp. This is just swampy stuff.
political favoritism, picking people out, cut it out. Why not go and talk about simplifying the tax code and making it a page too long? That’s a hell of a lot better. That would make a hell of a lot more sense. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.