John Kerry Takes a Flamethrower to the Constitution
So John Kerry takes a flamethrower to the United States Constitution. So last week, we had the World Economic Forum held its sustainable development impact meetings. Again, finding new and better ways to rip off the taxpayer. And yeah, but lot of far left.
elitist there and John Kerry’s, you know, he’s very, very upset, frustrated with that awful First Amendment of the United States Constitution. It’s just a pain in the neck to these elites. And he said, our First Amendment earns as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer disinformation out of existence. What we need is to win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.
It’s very hard to govern today. Yeah, basically, to them govern is to shove ridiculous propaganda down our throats with ease. The great Ron Paul actually commented on this over the past couple of days and the fact that the elites hate what’s going on. They hate, they hate podcasts.
They hate the internet in of itself and how troublesome it is for them. Back in the day, back in the day when it was just the three networks out there that could push the agenda of Washington DC. You a war? You got one. All the networks would fall right in line with what they wanted to do in Washington.
Yeah, I think back, I think back to the lead up into the Iraq, Moondoggle war that was just awful for this country. everybody was on board. You go back, everyone was on board with that war. Again, it was everyone was so far on board that they actually
called another vote in Congress to make sure that Democrats could get their name signed on the dotted line that they were for it. Massive protests in the streets. The American people weren’t behind it. But again, the media was and they continued to shove propaganda down our throats. Now all of these media outlets, radio stations, you need licenses to broadcast. You need permission. You need permission from the government in order to broadcast.
Not the same thing right now and Don Curry and the elites in Washington DC. They don’t like this. They don’t like this. The Constitution is always a problem for people that feel that they know better and want to dictate terms. Time and time again, you’ll see, elitists will open up their mouth. So tell you exactly what they think and who
They are. I’ve cited this before when Thomas Friedman from the New York Times, Thomas Friedman from the New York Times was lamenting the fact that Barack Obama didn’t have the power of China’s Politburo to do whatever he wanted. And he was like, imagine if Barack Obama had that power for a little while, all the things that he could do. Yeah, yeah.
again, that that Constitution has become troublesome. I’ve done podcasts recently where you’ve got law professors at various different universities around the country saying the exact same thing. The exact same thing, wanting to do away with the Constitution. For Christ, we had another one was a left wing elitist there was Anne Lebowitz was said, you know what the Kamala Harris should come into power and she should
get rid of, get rid of the Supreme Court, eliminate it, dissolve the Supreme Court. Now, where would she get the power? I don’t know, maybe Lee Witz hasn’t read the Constitution, but they don’t care. They don’t care. It’s their way or the highway. And the interesting thing about the Constitution, I do a program here and we do work very, very hard.
to get the truth out. And again, do I offer my opinion on things? Absolutely. Do I disagree with the fools on MSNBC and other networks? Yeah, I do. I do. But I don’t wish for them to be silenced.
I don’t wish for them to be silenced. One great thing about the First Amendment and free speech is you get to know what people actually think. You get to know what the mental midgets and who the mental midgets really are. Watchdog on