Jill Biden is an Elder Abuser
Okay, I don’t know if I’m equipped to actually organize all of the thoughts that are banging around in my head since last night. I don’t know about you, I couldn’t get to sleep. Couldn’t get to sleep. I was, you know what, I kind of compared to my mind. There’s this condition, it’s called Stendhal Syndrome, Florence Syndrome.
And sometimes when people go to the city of Florence, Italy for the first time, and it’s just, it’s beautiful. They feel overwhelmed and dizzy and euphoric because of all the beauty that exists there. I, I last night watching this, I sit down, I’ve got my laptop on there. I’m saying, I’m going to take some notes here and there, make some points. I closed it. I was a few minutes in.
Not even. And I closed it. I got up from my chair and I walked up to the front of our television where I basically stayed most of the night to really I’m going to make sure that I was hearing things correctly. I couldn’t miss it because I couldn’t believe so it was kind of like a perverse. Florence syndrome, Stendhal syndrome, where again, I’m still thrown off.
I still cannot believe what we witnessed yesterday. My wife, my son, Stephen, and I’m like, I don’t think you fully understand. I’m trying to send my son. I don’t think you fully understand what you’re watching. As a young kid, I used to watch debates. I guess it was a bit of a dork and a nerd. And I found it interesting as a kid. You don’t know what you’re watching right now.
I don’t think you fully understand the repercussions of what’s really happening right now. This is uncharted waters crap that we’re heading into. I wrote a bunch of things down that I wanted to cover today in regards to this. First and foremost, one of the first thoughts in my mind, again, was elder abuse. Now, most of you know what we do at Markowski Investments, Watchdog on Wall Street. We’ve done for years is helping out.
senior citizens to help them to avoid being ripped off by con artists, scams, whatnot. Oftentimes, oftentimes we’re too late, they’ve already been ripped off and we’re cleaning up the mess after the fact. Senior citizens are a major target when it comes to financial fraud. Elder abuse. Taking advantage of someone using someone that is not in their fullest capacity later on in life.
Again, Dante didn’t even write about that. There’s got to be there’s a circle of hell that Dante, I mean, maybe it goes into false advisors, maybe that circle of hell, which is one right near Satan in Dante’s Inferno. Jill Biden. And again, I’m being I’m going to be very honest with everybody today.
I try to, try to correct your thoughts. You think something very harsh. I mean, I’ve been trying to do that lately and I’m sorry, I’m gonna tell you what I thought. And I was like, can’t do that, can’t think like that. I was like, Jill Biden should be shot.
How do you do that? How do you do that to your husband? What what type of human being are you? To do something like that to your husband. I’m watching this and I and I I felt so bad for the guy. I really did. I had this enormous.
empathy for this guy and what he was going through. And again, my father -in -law died a few years ago and several years ago and he had Parkinson’s. And, you know, we would see him, he talked, sometimes he would be there and he can have conversations, but then oftentimes he would get that blank stare.
blank stare and you didn’t know, he couldn’t communicate, you didn’t know whether or not he understood what we’re saying, whether or not he was incapable of talking. And that was the Joe Biden look last night.
I can’t even believe they allowed for that split screen. If, and we’ll get to this a little bit later, if they really wanted Joe Biden to be successful, put that aside, okay? Kind of foreshadowing what we’re gonna talk about a little bit later here on the program. I don’t know if it was maybe 15 minutes into the debate and Joe Biden’s got a cold.
Scott of cold, he’s not feeling well. The DNC, his people put that out. My son let me know because he can handle the Twitter and stuff like that. He can walk and chew gum at the same time when it comes to the tech stuff. I can’t do that. You know what? I’ll get into it. I’m not going to put it back. We hear you’ve been following. You’ve been listening to this podcast. You listen to my radio show for some time. I said this from the very beginning. Go to the videotape, okay?
Go back. I said that the grand desire, you know, I’m watching them, you Biden throughout the years and you’re watching this decline, you’re watching what’s taking place. I said, he’s not gonna be the candidate in the end. He’s not gonna be the candidate in the end. I said, what the Democrats are doing right now is genius. It’s gonna come time to the DNC and they’re going to remove him.
We talked about Michelle Obama maybe taking his place. I don’t know. I don’t know. But quite frankly, that’s what’s going to happen. That’s what’s going to happen. And we called it again, the inner workings of politics. I can I highly recommend the film Wag the Dog.
and the political operators behind the scene and how they go about controlling narratives and pushing different things. That’s what I see coming. And you know, what’s interesting is I think they’re gonna have to wait. They’re gonna have to wait, obviously, until the people are gonna say, because there was some talk last night, I was just looking at Brit Hume and how you could go about replacing because the Democrats do not want
Kamala Harris. They don’t. Kamala Harris, they know that’s going to be, it’s going to be a loss. They know that. So how do they step aside with all their DEI woke stuff where they take out the black woman who is the vice president of the United States? Why wouldn’t she be the natural for the next one? It’s going to come down to the DNC and
I don’t know exactly their rules. Okay, they have rules and how things operate and they have these things called super delegates. I want to go back in time. Going back, going back to the 2008 DNC, it was in Denver, Colorado and I was there. I went to the Denver, I went to the DNC first and then I went to Minneapolis, St. Paul for the RNC.
And here’s a story that I was reporting on it there. Nobody else was mainstream here. Didn’t even cover it, but it was taking place behind the scenes. At that point in time, Obama had one. Obama had one, but the Hillary people said no fricking way. They said, no way. This is not going to happen. We can find a way around it here at the convention. We can go to the super delegates. And there was, they were.
actually trying at that DNC, the superdelegates, to give the nomination to Hillary Clinton. There were backroom deals that were done because make no bones about it. The Clinton clamp and the Obama camp, they don’t like one another. Maybe they’ve reconciled to some degree at that point in time. No way. So they, again, they cut that deal.
They cut that deal while Hillary Clinton was going to be secretary of the secretary of state. Obama got his super delegates and he got the nomination. Again, it’s interesting. It’s just the democratic part that we talk about democracy and defending democracy. Right. Right. They didn’t allow they didn’t allow anybody to run against Joe Biden. Again, this was a political
operation from the get -go. Hey, they look again, I’m telling you what’s go, what happened, okay? They’re saying, well, you know, we’ll see, you know, Joe’s not really running the country anyway, okay? And if you think he is, watch, go back and watch the debate again. He is not running the country. Somebody else is running the country again. We’ve been saying that for a long period of time. So again, they basically, political calculation for these people.
I got an idea. We’ll run Joe Biden again. Okay. Things fall apart. That’s okay. We’ll just replace him at the convention. We’ll put somebody else out there as a moderate, a unifier, just like they did with Joe Biden. Joe Biden was going to bring the country together. Joe Biden, he’s always been able to reach across the lines and be a moderate bullshit.
They put up that, they put a bind that old man because you know what? They could control him. He’s not running the show. So when push comes to shove, they will take him out in the interest of the country. They’ve got it all scripted. They’ve got it written. This is, again, this is how they operate. And
Again, I bouncing things around in my head and I can add my my sub references that come into my head all the time. I’m thinking about thinking about Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings and Tolkien and, you know, power, the ring of power, the precious. And I want you to actually think about. These these people that Biden surrounds himself with and.
When they talk about this two different countries here, there’s there’s we the people out here that are going to work every single day, busting our butt, raising our families. And I’m sorry, there’s a whole nother world of I’m sorry, it’s evil that exists in these political circles. I watched I watched. Watch Chris Coons this morning doing interviews, one of Biden’s
running campaign chairs, I don’t know, he’s helping Biden out. He is a Democrat senator from Delaware as well. Supposed to be a big friend of Biden. And now he’s touting Biden’s performance and how wonderful it was and all of this. And I’m saying to myself, imagine having friends like this. Once again, I have to go back to empathy, you feel sorry.
I mean, a true friend, somebody who’s a true friend, and I’ve got this kind of stuff I teach my kids, is one that’s gonna knock you down and say, hey, listen, you’re being an asshole, okay? Or this is wrong, don’t do this. Again, I tell my kids, they’ve got all their friends in high school, I say, hey, you’re gonna have, push comes to shove, you’re gonna have a handful if you’re lucky in life. The ones that will really be honest with you when you need be, the ones that will pull you back when you’re getting out of control or you’re doing something wrong.
And he’s got all of these his buddies and his pals out there touting his performance. You know, you’re going to let something like that happen to your friend. Well, what does what does it say about the the the character? Of these people, what does it say about us, quite frankly, and the types of people that we vote for? That we send there. It’s it’s awful.
I watched, and again, they didn’t really show much of this. You gotta go find it. First and foremost, you have to see, Biden couldn’t even get off the stage last night by himself. His wife, his wife, use those terms loosely, had to help him off the stage. And then they’re at some rally, post -debate rally.
And Jill Biden’s got the microphone and then there’s Joe up there looking lost. He was like, he was a little kid and you have to go watch it. Joe, you did such a great job tonight. Did he ask the answered all the questions. It was like you were talking to a kindergarten. what a great job you did. You colored in all the lines and you brought the, I mean,
I’m being honest here, I’m not making fun because it’s not funny.
It’s not funny. It’s not funny to and I’m just for I’m going to next week, 4th of July and every Friday on my radio show, I do a bit on the 4th of July and I talk about it and yeah, think about what we’re selling. We’re coming close to our 250 year anniversary as a country and you watch watch what Washington has become. Like I said, the power.
precious all of these people, all these people that their jobs are on the line. Biden’s got to win. They don’t want to have to scramble and find another job in Washington. Let’s just keep Joe Biden in there. They don’t care about the country. They care about themselves. They care about their position, being close to power, rising the ranks in Washington, D .C.
Imagine, like I said, imagine the founders were watching what took place last night, what’s going on in Washington DC, how this country’s being run. We are a shell of ourselves. This is not, we’re so independent, what?
We are nothing. Nothing like what the founders intended by any stretch of the imagination. Any stretch the imagination. And I got to bounce some thoughts. I’m going to be talking about it next week, without a doubt, as we get closer to the 4th of July. I want to conclude on this too, because you know, the people, all the people, Trump won hands down.
But then you got to know somebody he lied about this was dishonest about this. Listen, Trump kept it fairly kept himself under control yesterday. Do I do I think that he could have done a better job? You know what? Kind of he he did a good job for Trump. OK, he did. He didn’t he didn’t act like he wasn’t an annoyance up there like he was in the debates last time.
around and Biden one -handedly.
You know, my thoughts were last night listening to the debate questions and what was taking place is that I’m being honest. And again, I’m not putting myself up on a pedestal by any stretch of the imagination. I know plenty of people the same way. I said I would have wiped the floor with both of them. All right, Biden, put him aside. They need to get a little bit better command of the issues. Again, there were some things that I thought that Trump should have knocked out of the park.
Anyway, talking about the military right now, inflation tying things together, stuff that’s happening right now. I mentioned the Houthis and how they’re kicking our butts and how inflation and supply chains are screwed right now. Okay. Things are going to get a lot more expensive. Things are not getting through. Container prices are going up. Why? Why? Because we can’t defend shipping lanes for crying out loud.
I mean, Thomas Jefferson, hey, you know, where the Marines started, right? Barberry Pirates, we had to deal with it. We’re not dealing with that. At this point, these are issues that I would bring into the folders. Well, you want to educate the people. Maybe he’ll get to that point in time. But anyway, like I said, to sum things up, we told you. OK, we told you from the get go what we saw was going to happen and it’s happening.
It’s happening. You know, they’re going to see something happen at this convention. I don’t know what people are saying. Gavin Newsom, I don’t know. Michelle Whitner from Michigan. They’re going to come up with somebody. I wouldn’t even surprise me if they take somebody from outside. From outside, but I know I don’t know if they can control them. But.
One more thing, I keep having thoughts. I’m sorry for being a little bit scatterbrained today. Like I said, I got a perverse form of Florence syndrome, Stendhal syndrome. I’m trying to, I’m a little dizzy by what I just watched. Let’s just tell you about all those Hollywood types, all these people that the, we got to follow my ins… You mean to tell me they don’t…
They don’t know. They don’t know exactly what’s going on. What was who hosted the damn thing that was Jimmy Kimmel hosted that fundraiser out there. buying was absolutely fine. You’re a liar.
Okay, you’re a liar and shame on all of you people because again, they’re attracted to power too Okay, they know they know that that’s their ticket And I we forget how often i’ve talked about the big club that you and I aren’t in shame on you people
that you would actually even push something like this. You’re disgusting.
Anyway, you know what? I’m out today. I said, listen, yeah, I’m out. I’m doing, I’m one and done today. I’m one and done today. I couldn’t sleep last night. I’m still trying to process this. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.