Is The Green New Deal DEAD? Shell Just Abandoned Major Wind Energy Project
this is awesome. Great news. Great news for all of our friends out there in the ocean. The whales save the whales. Yes, the whales have a big win. That’s right. Yep. Shell is abandoning its whale killing wind project, writing off a billion dollars worth. Another company abandoning a 250 million dollar plant to make
Subsea cables that would have done a havoc on the seafloor another wind project in Maine on the ropes You got Orsteed there from Europe going down that stocks down 90 % Yes I love the whales. This is awesome again Who do some greenies out and again, you know, it’s just so many useful idiots out there that actually thinks that wind was a good idea Yeah, yeah
Sure, if wind was so awesome, don’t you really think that all of these companies would be spending a fortune on it? It’s a joke. It’s been so from the get go along with your stupid ass solar panels for crying out loud. Again, let’s clear cut major areas of land and put up solar panels. Right, right. Well, again.
It’s dying everywhere. This out of Europe. Trump pulls out of the US Paris Accord and the long suffering Green New Deal is on the deathbed in Europe. That’s right. Even some of the French parties looking to end the Green Deal together more and more starting to recognize it’s the end of all of this green nonsense. What was interesting as well too
I just want to show you how crooked they call it the Biden administration. Again, again, the Biden administration. Think of Lady Eloise Boomerang. Biden was just a name on the package. All right. He wasn’t running the show. Wasn’t running the show. It was the Obama people. They actually took $20 billion, funneled it into Citigroup.
And Citigroup knew what was going on. So they can continue to fund all of their stupid solar crap all over the country and subsidize it. Well, like I found out. And all that stuff is getting shut down. I’m going to go back and tell this story again. True story, my experience with solar. So I minded my own business one day. is, that’d be 2000.
2010 in Florida and I get a phone call. Get a phone call, it gets through and telling me that you know would you like to put solar panels on the roof of my house? I’m like what? And I’m like you know I kind of start asking some questions of this salesperson and they’re telling me well you know we did a Google Earth thing of your house. I’m like did?
and asked me a couple of questions and said, yeah, we can save you a couple hundred bucks a month on your electric bill. Hmm, okay, I’m listening. Again, I’m not stupid. All right, I’m not stupid. If it’s something that’s worthwhile and it’s gonna save me money, hell, I’ll do it. And they go on and on and on giving me the spiel and I’m like, okay, how much this gonna cost?
Well, $35,000.
What? I’m basically, are you kidding me? You think I’m going to spend $35,000 to put solar on the roof of my house? I don’t even know how long this thing is going to last to save $200 a month? Are you crazy? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. He had his rebuttals ready to go. He his rebuttals ready to go. He’s, oh, well, you’re going to get this.
tax deal because of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that was Obama’s thing. And add that to all the state of Florida is gonna help as well. It’s gonna bring the price down and it’s gonna make it less. And I’m like, wait a second. You got the wrong guy. Do you think that I am going to take money from my fellow taxpayers to put something on the roof of my house which is completely inefficient and stupid?
We’re gonna borrow money from China or whatever the hell it else is that we’re borrowing money for so I can put an inefficient piece of junk on the roof of my house. Nah. Watchdog on