Is the Dollar Being Tested?
So the good old Woe Street Journal, yeah, Woe Street Journal asked the question today about Trump and his new world order and is it going to wreck the dollar? Wreck the dollar. Again, I don’t recall, I don’t recall the Woe Street Journal writing about the dollar being destroyed under Barack Obama. listen, again, I have to buy euros on a
regular basis and I remember 2016, you know, we’re talking a dollar 35 to buy a euro. mean, the euro was much, much stronger in the past than it is now. But we have seen other currencies creep up against the US dollar. They’re concerned about tariffs slowing economy here in the United States. And oh my God, look at European stock markets. They’re upright now. They’re going to be spending more money. They’re going to do this. They’re going to do that.
I’m not buying it. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Wall Street Journal today, President Trump has launched an unprecedented challenge to a geopolitical order that has prevailed for decades. One victim, potential victim, the US dollar. Okay, yeah. Just weeks steep increase in tariffs, uncertainty over trade have sparked fears that US growth will slow.
Shifts in US foreign policy have led to a surge in optimism about the European economy, driving the dollar down sharply against euro, sending stocks in Europe to record and spurring the biggest jump in German bond yields since just after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Again, OK, Berlin bond. Why were why are the Berlin bond yields going up? Because they’re going to have to. Well, they say they’re going to borrow a lot of money. They’re going to start borrowing.
a lot of money, because they’re gonna, they suppose that they’re gonna build up their military. Right, we shall see, we shall see. The dollar index has declined seven in the past nine weeks, nearly erasing gains made since the November 5th election. Yeah, the dollar got really, really strong, but it’s still pretty strong as far as history is concerned. There’s not much,
quite frankly of an article here, but this is coming out of the Wall Street Journal and they had a series of articles today basically tearing into everything Donald Trump is doing. They’re very much in the anti-Trump camp. Again, you have to understand that again, Donald Trump wants the dollar because again, the value of the dollar went through the roof. That makes what? Okay, this is something that people fail to understand. It makes our exports more expensive.
makes our exports more expensive when the dollar is stronger. Dollar becomes cheaper, our exports, okay, change. Again, strength in the dollar as well does what? We have a multinational core, again, we’ve got big businesses, okay? The United States, big business. So if we’re selling, Apple is selling, let’s use Apple’s name, but their services, whether it be the,
products that they sell, the hard products they sell or the service that they sell via the app store, whatever it may be. They’re selling that over in Europe, priced in euros. And then it’s got, you know, Apple obviously has to why, you know, they got to send that money back because it’s an American company and then they have to buy dollars with it. Again, that can hurt their bottom line to some degree. And again, there’s a little back and forth when it comes to this all the time. But the fact that they think that this is going to be some major decline, you got to be kidding me.
So I’m suggesting that Trump’s tariffs deals are going to tick people off and they’re going to come up with an alternative basket of currencies.
Not gonna happen. Not gonna happen. We’ve been hearing this for how long? yeah, the bricks are gonna get together and Brazil and Russia and China and yeah, they’re gonna get together. They’re gonna put together their own currency. Right. Okay. Good luck with that.
Good luck with that. It’s a bunch of nonsense. Again, you gotta be on alert right now as a consumer of news media. Again, the Apple cart has been upset and we’ve talked about the watchdog on Wall Street, Axe of Evil, big business politicians of the mainstream media. Wall Street Journal, mainstream media.
They don’t know how to react to this. Again, like I said, we’ve talked about narratives and how these things are building up. You’re gonna continue to see massive amounts of pushback on Donald Trump’s policies. The dollar, quite frankly, pretty darn strong.
I can go back to the late Bush years, early Obama years. I’m gonna do a little pop culture reference. The second James Bond movie with Daniel Craig, Quantum Solace, I remember the bad guys wanted to get paid in euros. They were making fun of the dollar. That’s what happens when you spend too much money on wars.
Rap videos back then, yeah they were using euros rather than dollars when they were flashing cash, all that stuff. Not anymore. Watch Dog on