Is College Still Worth It in 2024?
So, college enrollment tanked. Yeah, there’s a story. College enrollment falls 5%. 5%. And you want to know what the top men, the experts are saying? Yeah, when you hear top men, think of those idiots again at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark. We got.
top men working on it right now as they wheel the Ark of the Covenant into a warehouse. Top men are saying FAFSA failures are to blame. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid. That’s why kids are not going to college because of the botched rollout of FAFSA.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. First and foremost, we’ll take it back. I highly recommend, I highly recommend to people, don’t fill out the damn FABS form. What are you doing? Okay, what are you doing? All right, again, for certain people, you might get maybe a buck or two or a student loan. For the most part, no.
No, you’re better off, you’re better off going to the college and university and saying, you want my kid in your school, what can you do for me? When you fill out FAVSA, they have all of your information. They know exactly how much money you make. They use that information, the colleges use that information to plan who’s going to pay what. Now, I’ve described this before, okay?
If you’re poker with somebody and I’m not, I’m not a card player, but I know I’m not going to show the other team my cards and you’re negotiating with them. Why would you do that? Anyway, if you actually think that enrollment is down because of Pabsa. No, no. many people are wisening up to the idea that maybe just maybe I don’t.
have to go to college to make a nice living. I had this conversation that was up, that was back in New York over the Thanksgiving holiday and you’re talking with friends of mine that earn trades. And I, again, I explained to them, I said, anybody who was halfway decent at a trade down in Florida will make a fortune. We’ll make a fortune.
They need people to do that type of work, do these type of work with HVAC, plumber, electrician, you name it.
You name it, you call and ask somebody to do one of these things here. You’re lucky, yeah, I can come out and give you a quote. You’re talking a month, month and a half. You can make an absolute fortune. It was funny, South Park did an entire episode based upon this. And all the tradesmen making an absolute fortune, good for them. Wall Street Journal just did a story talking about how private equity is looking to buy up HVAC.
companies all over the country. You can do very, very well. I think plenty of very wealthy clients that are in trades. There are that are business owners. They have a skill. You don’t have to go to college to do that. Not to mention the fact even even in technology, you’ve got companies now in tech that will train.
almost like an apprentice program that we’ve been calling for for some time. So again, people are starting to wisen up to the scam that is the high cost of a college education. There’s reasons to go to college for certain degrees, but many? No, no, it’s just too damn expensive.