Inside the EVIL Ways Thieves Are SCAMMING Seniors
Nobody has spent more time than we have here over the past 25 years on this radio show even further at Markowski Investments, trying to alert the public in regards to financial scams, frauds, what’s coming down the pike, in particular, doing the best we can to try to educate senior citizens of what’s out there. And as I’ve described it before,
It is a it’s mission impossible to Sisyphean task. Push the rock to the top of the hill. It rolls back down on me. Not a day goes by where I don’t see another senior citizen swindle and they’re becoming more and more sophisticated now with technology. There was one again, a couple out of Florida.
swindled out of $400 ,000 in gold bars. They were contacted, contacted by someone said that he was an agent from the US government and based on the activity in their Amazon account, there were several warrants out for their arrest and they needed to go out and purchase gold bars and someone was going to come pick it up and
I again, these guys must be tremendous. Salespeople are great at that, you know, picking the right individuals out there and scaring older people. I. It’s just a whole whole nother level, whole nother level of evil that’s out there where people are capable of doing that. And in this case, they they caught they caught a couple of people that were involved in this fraud. But it’s too late. Money’s already.
been moved on elsewhere. I am. It’s every week, every week on our show all the time here on our podcast, I said, listen, OK, I don’t care what it is. OK, something doesn’t seem right. Something is the slightest bit out of the ordinary. Pick up the phone. Give us a call. Send me an email. I don’t care. Reach out. That’s what we’re here for.
I would have been able to tell this gentleman, no, this is a scam. You’re getting ripped off. Let me handle it. Done. I mean, this is what we do and this is what we’re here for. And again, I invite you to take advantage of the people we have here. You know, it’s sad. I’m going to tie another story into this. It was an interesting Charles Gasparino story. The New York Post talking about the Securities and Exchange Commission and
Again, I’m taking a risk here because they’re my regulator, but I’ve been highly critical of them over the years. I’ve tried to explain to people, the Securities and Exchange Commission, FINRA, they’re not there to help you. They don’t prevent crimes. They don’t prevent scams. They are not a cop on the beat. For crying out loud, the SEC is spending more time, more time trying to go after corporations to make sure that the…
DEI and equity and all this other crap while investment con artists run wild all over the country. They are more concerned about regulating woke nonsense. So no, you can’t rely on them. Again, yeah, after a scam, after something happens, sure, they’ll come in, they’ll do their homework. Thanks. Thanks, but we’ve already been ripped off. Again.
You have to be people, you have to be vigilant, you have to be smart. Again, your bull excrement meter needs to be, let me put it this way, a hell of a lot more sensitive in today’s day and age. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.