If You Get Scammed, It’s YOUR Fault!
Bailout Nation. Again, one of the things that I’ve talked about here on the program.
One becomes an adult. One becomes an adult. And this is something I talk about with my kids. When you take ownership of everything that happens in your life, everything that happens in your life, good or bad, you don’t look to place blame. You take ownership of it and you’re responsible for your actions. That’s what adults.
do, true adults do. Well, we have right now and again, I can’t stand this. Well, again, it’s quite frankly, it’s unconstitutional. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Again, the name it’s right out of Atlas shrugged for crying out loud. The CFPB is suing the payment company, Zelle.
payment service. I don’t use Zelle. I don’t use any of these things. My wife does for various different things. quite frankly, I don’t even know how the accounting works for this. And again, I work under the guise of another, you know, very powerful bureaucratic agency called the Securities and Exchange Commission. And I don’t, again, I don’t even like using cash. I don’t like taking cash out of the bank. Okay. I want every single thing that I do recorded.
Because again, it’s the SCC. But anyway, the CFPB is suing Zelle, arguing that it should be forced to reimburse anyone. Anyone who transfers money to a scammer.
Okay. Why is that Zell’s responsibility? Again, you know, if this was something that everybody was clamoring for, wouldn’t or shouldn’t Congress write a law in regard to this? Well, the head of the CFPB is this guy by the name of Rohit Chopra.
again, again, another, another Ivy league, another Ivy league twit who can’t bench press the bar that never had a real job in his entire life went to Harvard, then went to grad school and has been in bureaucratic training his entire life.
Yeah, know, hanging out with Elizabeth Warren, Lena Kahn is another example. Well, he and his buddies at the CFPB, they want to circumnavigate Congress and in essence make regulations, enact laws. Laws. Again, we have a constitution where, know, I’m just a bill, just an ordinary bill sitting here on Capitol Hill. No, we don’t do that anymore. No.
Rohit Chopra, because he went to Harvard, feels that he is smarter, better, and brighter than everybody else. And he wants to act as a dictator. And I do declare and do decree and do whatever the hell he wants to do. And if his ideas were so awesome, so popular, hey, man, you should go through Congress, Basically, to make a long story short, what?
they’re asking Zell to do is in essence force them, force them to reimburse others for their poor decisions.
Yeah. Yeah. Basic, mean, if you get ripped off, if you’re not paying attention to what you’re supposed to be doing with your money and you decide to buy some sort of hawk to a coin with your Zelle account and transfer money, whatever the hell you decide to do, again, not too smart and you lose money, well then Zelle has to reimburse you.
Well, again, doesn’t that take the risk out of any situation? How could any payment platform out there?
ensure that every single time its customers transferred money from one to the other is not a scam. Again, are you all growns up now? Are you all growns up? You’re not responsible for where you send money?
I’m sorry. Again, what this will do is again, it’s going to this anything like this goes through Zelle’s gonna have to in essence, start charging a boatload of money. A boatload of money to process transactions because they’re going to be on the hook in bailout nation to bail out people who do stupid things. But that nice young man I’m sorry people at some
point in time at some point in time you have to be personally responsible for your choices and if you decide to do some how shall I put it really dumb shit with your money why should we collectively all be responsible watchdog on wallstreet.com