Here’s Why FREE CASH Just doesn’t work
Universal basic income fails. Now, this is no surprise to us here by any stretch of imagination. have criticized the entire concept from the get go. Paying people just to pay people. Again, what could possibly go wrong?
And actually some people, you know, might say, hey, you know, it’s so stupid. Why do they even got to study these things? And I hear what you’re saying. I kind of think that too. But then, okay, you want to prove, you know, all of this left -wing idiocy wrong. But the issue is, is after you prove it wrong, they don’t, they keep doing what they’re doing anyway. They’re going to keep pushing the same policies, which are not to work. But anyway, neither here nor there. The largest study,
into the real world consequences of giving people an extra $1 ,000 a month. Here you go. It’s like Oprah, you get a thousand, you get a thousand. Yep. No strings attached. No strings attached. It’s found that those individuals worked less, earned less, and engaged in more leisure time activities.
Shocker. Shocker. It’s a big surprise right there. This is from Reason. Again, it seems to undercut some of the arguments for universal basic income, which advocates say would help lower and middle class Americans become more productive. The idea is that a UBI would reduce the financial uncertainty that might keep some people from pursuing new careers or entrepreneurial opportunities.
Remember, it was Andrew Yang there. He was a Democratic presidential candidate. Back in 2020, he was pushing that idea. And his idea is that will enable all Americans to pay their bills, educate themselves, start businesses, be more creative, stay healthy, relocate for work, spend time with their children, take care of loved ones, and have a real stake in the future. Just give them $1 ,000. Yeah, sounds like we’ll probably be going
buying some beer. It’s not what people do. They tracked a thousand people in Illinois and Texas over three years, were given a thousand dollars monthly. And it was a, it wasn’t taxpayer money at times. It was a nonprofit that funded the study. The average household income for the study’s participants, about 29 ,000 in 2019. So the monthly payments, you’re talking about a 40 % increase in
40 % increase. yeah, relative to they had a control group of 2000 people who received 50 bucks per month. The people that got the $1 ,000 a month were less productive and no more likely to pursue better jobs or start businesses. No significant effects on investments in human capital due to their monthly payments.
participants receiving the $1 ,000 monthly payments so their income fall by about $1 per year.
Make a difference. All right, again, do the study and make a difference. People still push it. Just because again, you’re buying votes. Okay. The, you know, the genius behind the universal base of again, from the people who have it is once you say, hey, listen, vote for me. I’ll give you a thousand dollars a month. A lot of people sign up for that. And I’m going be honest with you. I, when they were doing all the stimulus things during COVID. my God. Yeah. All of these.
big time conservatives out there could come and call it guest appearances on conservative programs waiting for their next check, waiting for their next government check. come on, people stop already, okay? This is nonsense. Human nature doesn’t work this way. It doesn’t. You can’t just go dropping cash all over the place. again, it completely disincentivizes any…
getting ahead doing anything for that matter. I understand having, and I’ve talked about this before, the need for, it’s micro lending that takes place. They actually do it in other places around the globe, helping people that wanna go out and get started in starting businesses, even little businesses, whatever it may be. You gotta show a little bit of initiative, don’t you think? Here you go, here’s an extra thousand bucks a month, 40%, 40 % increase in their income by doing nothing. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.