Fake News Pretty Boy David Muir Is Humiliated on Live TV
Nice jacket, bro. I guess the suits at ABC, they actually, cause again, they put this out. This was a well-timed release. The suits at ABC are none too happy with David Mourier. my God. They can’t believe it. Him with the clothes pins on the back of his jacket so he could look cool. He could look svelte on TV. And again.
They know who David Muir is. They know who they hired. Anyway, if you’re not familiar, David Muir, the anchor at ABC is in California covering the fires and he’s wearing his fake fire jacket, his fake costume fire jacket with the ABC little patch on the front. And he’s given a report and he turns.
And you could see the back of his jacket that he had clothes pinned up so it looked like his fire jacket was tailored to fit and make him look better.
People listen, is this anything new at all? At all. mean, we can talk about, you make the comparisons to Ron Burgundy from Anchorman, but it was a great scene. It was a fantastic film. Broadcast News was William Hurt and Holly Hunter where, you know, William Hurt is doing this heartfelt.
piece. you know, Holly Hunter is a, you know, died in the wool wants to do it right, honest, you know, journalist catches sees the the the outtakes and shows that the anchor William Hurt in this case was went back and reshot a scene and put fake tears in his eyes to make it you know that more pulling on the heartstrings for the the general, you know, population out there.
Again, this is nothing new. This is who these people are. Okay, they’re there and they read off the freaking teleprompter, man. What you think you got some sort of deep thinkers here? You think they do their own homework? You think that they’re actual journalists?
I mean, they got interns from Syracuse University wiping their ass for crying out loud. They’re at the new house and then I got to go kiss David Weir’s ass for 20 years. And hopefully someday I’ll be in front of a camera reading off a teleprompter. Shouldn’t be surprised by any of this people. really shouldn’t. Watchdogonwallstreet.com.