Elon Musk Is the Michael Jordan of Space Exploration
Elon Musk and Michael Jordan. I watched yesterday, I watched the the space X launch and it was it was it was awesome. I mean, it really was. If you I mean, you can go online, you can watch it and what they’re doing. And again, they’re going through.
and you got commentary and they’re explaining what they’re testing and what they’re trying to improve upon and all these things. again, my growing up, we had the space shuttle and obviously, know, the tragedies that went along with the space shuttle went back in the eighties. And then I think that the second one when that was it, how’d it be like 2000 and to 2003, I can’t remember, but it was pretty much the.
the same thing, you know, the space shuttle would go up and, you know, people, when was must see TV, people kind of got bored of it. What Musk is doing at SpaceX is incredible in the sense that everything he’s he’s improving. Every single time they’re working on making it better and better and better and not a single launch is the same. And again, try to get your arms around
what they’re doing and what they are accomplishing. Now, why do I bring up Elon Musk and Michael Jordan? Well, you have these people from all over the globe, people in the media that hate him. Well, you had, what was it, the president’s wife in Brazil go off on a rant about him.
And I say to myself, who the hell are you? What have you done? What have you accomplished? And it reminded me that that was the documentary with Michael Jordan, The Last Dance, and the various different times where people trash talk Mike or he felt disrespected. And he would just take it to them.
and put them in their place. Again, it’s all you people that hate Elon Musk because he’s a buddy of Trump.
You go after this guy for some of the dumbest things ever. How do you, how do you not respect him?
How do you not respect what he’s accomplished, what he’s doing? I don’t own, I don’t own a single Tesla product, but I certainly respect what he’s doing. Athletes, I think, understand this and get this. It was interesting. I saw a letter was written from Roger Federer to Nadal.
retiring and basically going through and you know, congratulating what a great career and what it was great to play against him and the competition that they had against one another. You know, sometimes you just tip your cap.
to people that are accomplished and do amazing things. It’s the thing about you people on the left, don’t really, I guess it’s part of your methodology, you don’t really like to accomplish much, you just like to tear people down.
You like to tear people down. I always go back to my Harrison, Bergeon, Kurt Vonnegut short story. You want equality? I don’t want equality.
The thing in the world is want is equality. Equality sucks. You want everything being the same? you want equality in restaurants? You want all restaurants to be the same so they all suck equally?
We live in a world where it is a meritocracy.
where you succeed based upon the work that you put in, merit that you have. And again, you gotta tip your cap.
You gotta tip your cap to people like Elon Musk. you can’t, because he’s buddies with Trump and he bought X and all the liberals are going to blue sky and are having a collective meltdown over there. Honestly, I feel sorry for you people. I really do. Watchdogonwallstreet.com.