Does Your Vote Even Count?
Our elections are a an authoritative, crooked process. I know I covered this yesterday on the podcast. You know what? I don’t think I really delved into it enough, quite frankly. Already, already, you know, you you go on any of the networks. it’s a wonderful day. It’s election day. It’s America and reflections and it’s a whole bunch of BS people.
It really is. You already in the state of Pennsylvania, polling stations experiencing massive issues with voting machines. Republican poll watchers are being turned away at a myriad of different places. Why? I don’t know why. We don’t have lawyers, Republicans don’t have lawyers all over the state at this point in time fighting this. yeah, we have a lot in common.
when it comes to authoritarian countries on the national level. We do. This has been a process. Process that’s been taking place some time. I mean, we can go all the way back to the Clinton administration. I don’t know if you remember during the Clinton years, he put into place this law was called the Motor Voter Law, which was basically anybody goes and gets a driver’s license, you know, right then and there.
You can register to vote. You saw that as well with voter registration drives and MTV and the rock to vote. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton were on the case for period of time. Republicans were trying to put into place an ID based system where you can’t vote unless you actually prove who you are. But then we were told that that was racist and people
you know, couldn’t afford to get themselves, you know, an ID can be expensive at $20 and certain people can’t afford it. You’re going to disenfranchise the voters and it’s a poll tax and all this other pure bullshit. I’ve been saying this for some time. The only plausible reason for not forcing people to prove who they are when they show up to vote is to cheat.
was interesting. I was listening to the Rogan Elon Musk podcast that dropped yesterday. And, you they came to the same conclusion that I have come to with this. What does that lead us to? That leads to, you know, one party rule here in this country. It really does. Outside of states.
Outside of states, as far as national elections are concerned, it will lead to one party rule. Again, we pat ourselves on the back about our process here. Do you understand how ridiculous this is and how we do things? States not being able to count their votes for days? Aren’t you? I could do Sebastian Maniscalco. Aren’t you?
embarrassed. The simple process of counting votes you’re unable to do. In any sort of expedient fashion. It’s too. People worried about whether or not their vote is counting like in Pennsylvania right now. They’re not scanning ballots. You go and you buy something with your credit card or with anything, your debit card and you check out.
and they ask you if you would like a receipt. Would you like a receipt? Would you like an email to you? Would you like a paper receipt? At least actually showing, having a paper that I voted, my vote counted, who did I vote for? Is it that hard? No, it’s not hard. All of this stuff is quite easy. But again, the goal has always been about control.
control over the masses. In many ways, I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist people, but you know, let’s let’s let’s be honest. So what we’ve been through over the past several years, whether it be with with COVID and the misinformation coming from the government, the the censoring of voices on various different social media platforms, what’s happened with the mainstream media.
Again, I don’t really think about it at the time to the degree I have now. again, the same feelings that Joe Rogan has. I Elon Musk buying Twitter, was going down maybe one of the things that actually might save this country. But Elon believes quite frankly, Kamala Harris wins, they’re gonna shut X down. Which they might do, they want to. They’ll do it under the guise of.
misinformation and hate speech, much like they’re doing in the United Kingdom right now. We don’t follow a lot of global news, but you go to jail in the UK for social media posts. yeah. Yeah, again, I won’t step foot. man, I might have to step foot if I’m getting a connection somewhere out of Heathrow. I ain’t going to authoritarian regime. I mean, they’re out of their mind.
They make fun of Vladimir Putin in Russia. I’m going to to the bloody UK. You’re going to go to jail for a social media post that might offend somebody. you don’t think it’s real? Look it up. You don’t think it’s coming soon to a theater near you? It is. It is, unless we change our ways. And like I said, I’ve been in the free speech business my entire life. And I can see when it’s, you know, it’s under attack and you got, you know, Tim Wall’s out there on the
stump. know, misinformation. We got a sense of that. It’s not free speech. Any freaking mind? After what we just went through? But anyway, this, again, it’s been a work in progress for the elites, the authoritarians out there to control who’s in charge, who they want to put into place, put in to power at this point in time.
It’s interesting you watch, kind of watch say who’s really involved in it. Obama is burning the midnight oil. He is working his ass off to get Kamala Harris elected because again, he’s running the show.
He’s running the show is basically it’s like he’s running for office. Quite frankly, he’s he’s out on social media more than than she is. Posting more things that are out there again, again, he’s running. This is this is the reality of our elections and our process here in this country. So, you know, I would do I would, you know, it’s different from when I grew up when it was a bit of a celebration of.
our system here in America. Be honest with your kids.
Tell them what’s going on. I said, we always talk about building, creating, protecting and teaching. This is part of protecting and teaching. Don’t lie to your kids. Don’t lie to your kids, explain them what’s actually happening on the ground, what the terrain is here in this country. Anyway, Watchdog on