Did Trump Just Put America in Another Forever War with Iran?
What the? I’m not going to swear. Iran now? come on, man. I’m going to be honest. I didn’t vote for this. I didn’t vote for this. I’m going to. This is Donald Trump. October of 2019, the United States has spent eight trillion dollars fighting and policing in the Middle East. Thousands of our great soldiers have died or been badly wounded. Millions of people have died on the other side.
Going into the Middle East is the worst decision ever made.
Why are we sending three aircraft carriers?
behind this. Some people are cheering right now out there because we attacked the Houthis in Yemen and I know that they have been problematic but they haven’t they haven’t attacked anything as of late and now I suppose they’re going to be attacking things as well. You know, we highlighted this under the Biden administration just you know,
United States Navy just being drone catchers there in the region. I just want to throw something out there. I mean, there are a lot of a lot of ships that go through that straight.
Why not make this a coalition of the willing type of thing? There’s Chinese ships that go there. There’s lots of ships that go through that region. Shouldn’t everybody be involved? It’s gonna be us once again. And I’m happy to see even some of the people in the MAGA camp, the Marjorie Taylor Greens here. I’ve not heard a single American say they want another war in the Middle East or anywhere else, not one. All I’ve heard is a loud cry demanding
our government its leaders put America first. I don’t support going to war on behalf of other countries. Good for her. I agree wholeheartedly. Thomas Massey, Rand Paul, you’re gonna attack Iran, it could be me call me crazy, but don’t you have to, do have to ask Congress first? Shouldn’t you, that’s an act of war. You’re gonna attack another country, it’s an act of war.
you gotta bring that to Congress? Or is that just too constitutional at this point in time? I don’t know what’s going on, but this is quite frankly, this is…
disruptive. I we’re not getting much clarity. When it comes to this. We’ve ceasefire has stopped in Gaza. So Israel is back attacking Hamas. I guess the president gave Netanyahu the go ahead to do that. I for one, I for one, I don’t like the fact that that gets publicized.
If Israel wants to act, they shouldn’t have to ask the United States to do what they want to do. again, why? Why are you putting us on the hook for this? I quite frankly, I can’t get my arms around. Well, I can get my arms around it, but I’m not going to get into it here. This is it’s getting ridiculous here. People again, none of us voted for this. None of us voted for this. We want.
We wanted to stop all of the foreign wars. We want to do business with other countries. It’s amazing to me. Can we have maybe, I don’t know, maybe a three, four month stretch period of time where we’re not bombing some nation? Is that at all possible for crying out loud?
What is the longest stretch that we’ve been on over the past, I don’t know, couple generations where we haven’t been bombing some country somewhere?
It’s not who we are, but it’s quite frankly, it’s what we’ve become.
And it’s ugly. And again, I’m not.
I’m not a fan of what’s taking place right now. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.