Democrat Lawmaker CAUGHT Trying to Pass Wasteful Bill
Rosa DeLauro said, what? Again, it’s low hanging fruit people. I know, you see it everywhere now. But he’s, yeah, the people on the right, know, obviously, let’s just say making fun of Rosa’s style. Anyway, anyway, it’s too easy. Okay, it’s too easy, don’t.
There’s a better way of going after fools. Much better way. Rose is having a collective freak out over Elon Musk and it’s, you know, some of the clips are getting out there and again, rather than going after the substance of what she had to say, people are choosing to go after her outfits and her glasses and the purple hair and all that stuff. anyway, neither here nor there. Rose is not that bright.
Okay, Rosa, Rosa actually, and I’m not making this up. Again, this is not as bad, not as bad as Hank Johnson thinking that Guam was going to tip over if you put too many people on it, the island of Guam. But Rosa basically saying that you got to continue to spend money on, I forget what government program it was to make sure that the crash dummies being used in
you know, testing cars out were female crash dummies. Not not not making this up. She actually said that again. Okay. Take a look at these people and their CVs. Take a look at where they came from, what they’ve actually done in their lives. Rosa de Loro has been a member of Congress since 1991.
since 1991. You want to know what she did before that? She worked for Chris Dodd.
How do you, again, she represents New Haven, Connecticut and the surrounding area, New Haven, Connecticut.
She doesn’t have any skills. She’s getting on out, never had a real job. Never had a real job in her entire life. Again, people in New Haven want her to represent them. get that. That’s their choice. I don’t know what to tell you, but I’m gonna encourage people. Again, I said, it’s too easy. It’s too easy to go after Rosa.
based upon the outfits and the look and whatnot. Instead, just let her talk, okay? Point out what she’s saying. Point out what she has. Point out the fact that she has no qualifications, she’s not qualified to be the assistant manager at McDowell’s. Yeah, McDowell’s from coming to America. Remember, Louis Anderson was trying to work his way up. She’s not qualified for that.
but she’s a member of Congress. At she’s making sure that the crash test dummies are female. Watchdog on