DEI Fails Again
Yes, diversity, equity, inclusion fails again. This story is a real, is a real teachable moment. If you ask me, you got a former diversity manager at Facebook and Nike. She was sentenced to five years and three months in prison for stealing more than $5 million from those companies. This Barbara furlough smiles, guilty to wire fraud, all sorts of things.
used a scheme involving fraudulent vendors, fake invoices, whatnot, cash kickbacks, to basically fund her lifestyle in California, Georgia, and Oregon. Now, Karen, you think about what she did here. She had 4 .9 million from Facebook, even more from Nike. Facebook fired her, okay? This is again, this is the tease moment. Facebook fired her.
Then Nike hired her?
What you just it’s just easy to get an executive position at Nike. Okay, DI it’s not really any sort of importance and obviously check some boxes for Nike. But let’s actually you know, let’s think about this. Okay, think about this for a quick second here. You don’t make a phone call. You don’t call, you know, she’d have to show her resume where she worked at Facebook prior, and you’re not going to check with a prior employer to see, you know,
She was terminated from her job. You don’t check that out. Again, you can’t because again, I’m sure that the people of our human resources said, boy, if we do that, we go checking on that. You know, we might get in trouble. We might get canceled. Not to mention the fact, how do you not catch onto this? You are a director of DEI and you’ve got luxury homes in California, Georgia and Oregon. How’s this fly?
This went on for six and a half years. And quite frankly, this just shows how pathetic and sad some of these executives are, how weak some of these executives are in these companies, so afraid. We live in a point in time where everybody is acting out of fear for crying out loud. They knew what was going on. It was a license to steal if you’re in a certain job.
Or if you check a certain box, yeah, that’s working out real well in corporate America. I mean, we’re starting to see, thank God, we’re starting to see the pendulum term a little bit. I couldn’t believe the fact that North Carolina, actually University of North Carolina actually said, hey, you know what, we’re taking all the money away from all of our DEI crap, because that’s what it was from the get -go, and we’re giving it to campus police. Good for them. Waxdogonwallstreet .com.