Daniel Penny Effect??
The Daniel Penny effect. I’m seeing this a lot right now on the news. More and more awful stories taking place. Everybody saw what took place on a New York City subway where a woman was set on fire. and you’re watching this and the horror, and I actually, people are questioning why, you know,
Why didn’t she move? There’s medical reasons for this and I don’t feel like getting into what happened, but it was even made more horrific with the fact that nobody helped. Nobody came to this woman’s aid. You had a police officer walk by and not do a thing. There was another…
the stabbing took place in Grand Central Station. Nobody, nobody came, nobody helped.
The news networks are saying this all the time and now they have these things. Well, do you think that this is the Daniel Penny effect? Nobody wants to come to anyone’s help because they’re afraid they’re gonna be prosecuted.
And again, I’m on Fox News running stories on this and making me quite frankly sick to my stomach. You’re gonna calculate in your mind the repercussions of helping your fellow man right there in front of you coming to someone’s aid that needs help.
People are actually doing that. You think that that’s actually taking place or making a calculated decision. I’m not gonna help out because of the Daniel Penny case. No. No, this is a, quite frankly, this is a greater reflection on who we are and what we’ve become. Many of us, not all, as a society. The Daniel Penny effect.
We should be all orienting our lives to the fact that, you you’re coming to someone’s aid right there, you can actually help someone out. again, I’ve never seen anything like this, obviously, in person or take place. People grabbing their phones.
grabbing their phones to video this. I don’t know if they post something, they get more views or whatever it may be, they’re gonna try to monetize it or what, rather than going and helping. Now it’s not the Daniel Penny effect, it’s the fact that quite frankly, many people have just lost their way. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.