Can America Take Over if China Falls??
So a story making the rounds that I got a kick out of was the dozen, dozen or so American business leaders, including Blackstone’s Steven Schwartzman and Qualcomm’s Christiane Allman meeting with Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping met with these business leaders for more than an hour and a half. The business leaders.
asking Xi Jinping a myriad of questions. You know what this reminded me of? Again, being the big Godfather fan that I am. Do you remember the meeting in Havana, Cuba, where you had all of the business heads there and AT &T gave the president a golden telephone? That’s what I was thinking about when I saw this report and this story.
In essence, what Xi Jinping was doing, because believe you me, he called this meeting. OK, he’s calling these leaders in and these various business leaders are concerned about the investments that they made in China and what the future holds for Xi Jinping and his leadership.
I don’t think that they’re stupid by any stretch of the imagination. These business leaders see the writing on the wall and they see the risks that are involved with China. Anything that Xi Jinping says, he can go back on and change. Let’s be honest. This is not, you know, Deng Xiaoping, okay, by any stretch of the imagination. This guy has his belief system.
rooted in the values of Mao Zedong. And it isn’t working out too well for China by any stretch of the imagination. Deals are blowing up all over the globe. Now the case in point, the major Chinese train maker CRRC, they just lost close to a $700 million contract to build trains for Bulgaria. And again, countries around the globe are saying, hey, we don’t want to be doing business with these guys.
Again, what does that tell us? Shows us a tremendous opportunity to step in and fill the void. Again, there was a column that was written not too long ago. I can’t remember who wrote it. It was kind of funny. It said, thank God for communism. Thank God for communism. And what the point behind the article was is that if Xi Jinping and the Chinese
were actually if they actually followed through on the reforms that were put forward by Deng Xiaoping, right now, they’d be kicking our butts. Because you know, the irony of the entire situation is we continue to drift towards their model with industrial policy trying to run things out of Washington DC, politicians declaring and decreeing a myriad of different things that doesn’t sit well with the free markets.
Again, a tremendous opportunity for this country right now if we change course. But no, I didn’t see anybody give Xi Jinping a golden telephone. Watchdog on wallstreet .com.