Border Deal Sellout
Yeah, we got ourselves a border deal. Sellout is what we’ve got here. Again, Senator James Lankford, Republican, Oklahoma. I took to the networks this morning and again, talking about how great this deal is, and he keeps saying the same thing. We got to do something. Retire the chaos and abuse at the border. OK. Yeah, we are all tired of the chaos at the border, but.
Are you improving the situation if you make everyone all of a sudden, I don’t know, form a straight line? Maybe put up some velvet ropes? You’re still letting 5,000 people a day in! That’s what you’re still allowing! Okay, it’s not as chaotic. They’re going to go through the velvet rope and we’re going to give them permits to work as well. This…
This joke, it really is. I would find it, I don’t understand how this is gonna get through the Senate. I would hope that Republicans would stand up to this. I really do. Again, 1.5 million illegals per year, and it can slide up to 2.0, boy.
even more. They’re given billions of dollars to non-governmental organizations to help people get across. This bill also hands Ukraine $60 billion. It gives Israel $14 billion. Let me get the list here of the expenditures. I mean, it’s pretty extensive.
Pretty extensive to say the least. Okay, yeah, 60.06 billion to support Ukraine. 14 billion security assistance for Israel. 2.4 billion to support operations in the US Central Command. This is to help address, I guess, what’s happening right now in the Red Sea.
10 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter, medical care to civilians in Gaza, West Bank, Ukraine, and other populations. 4.83 billion to support key regional partners in the Indo-Pacific. 2.3 billion to continue support for Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s war of aggression. 20.2 billion to address existing operational needs and
expand capabilities at our nation’s border. I suppose that’s for the velvet rope and turnstiles that they need to install to make the, you know, make it orderly, make it so it’s orderly. Now, I have 400 million for a non-profit security grant program, yada, yada. This is
Senator James Lankford, I even know this, his own state legislature censored him last week for striking and putting this deal together. I don’t.
I don’t know where to go. I mean, you take a look and it’s a 370 page bill and you can kind of, you know, see the various different parts there. Again, it defies any sort of logic and reason like many things that happen in this country right now. In fact, we don’t enforce the law, you know, while we’re on the topic of illegal immigration. We had the police officers beat up in New York. I don’t know if you saw this on CNN.
I forget exactly who it was who they were interviewing. I was, I guess, I don’t see a lawyer, law enforcement analyst, John Miller. And John was just like, yeah, these people been in the country for a couple months and they had rap sheets a mile long. One guy got arrested 10 times in a day. Yeah, one of the guys that beat up the New York police officer got arrested 10 times in a day. So they just keep letting them go.
And it was interesting because they were saying that they steal all this stuff and then they sell it. And then they like go on vacation down in Florida for a period of time. And they asked, well, why aren’t they committing these crimes down in Florida? And John Miller shut up the CNN anchors. It’s like their jaws dropped. Basically said, because they arrest them in Florida. Novel concept. Again, I don’t know what’s going to happen. The House says right now that they are not going to cave on this.
Boy, I’ve heard that before though. Haven’t we all heard that before, that we’re not gonna let stuff stand and then they let it slide through. Not to mention the fact that all of this money, all of this expenditures, they’re not offsetting it elsewhere. This is just more money being spent. They’re not saying, hey, you know what? We’re gonna spend $118 billion. We’re gonna have to cut out $118 billion somewhere else. No, no, no.
pile it on to our national debt, which again, patently absurd. Awful, awful border deal that there’s no deal at all. And hopefully this thing gets shot down. Watchdog on