Biden’s ABYSMAL Economy Is Changing the Way We Shop
I don’t care what Kamala’s telling you, what Walls is telling you. I know she’s going across the country talking the wonders of Bidenonomics and how she’s in a capitalist and all this bunk. The supermarket doesn’t lie. Nope. A report that just came out, America’s retail supermarkets consumer survey. We’re getting a
much clearer picture on how consumers are spending their money. And it’s most certainly changing. That’s for sure. Goldman Sachs put this report together. The survey included a series of questions for 2000 consumers of various ages, incomes, education, and employment backgrounds. Most of these questions were tailored to preference metrics relevant to shopping at supermarkets or
big box retailers. Now, the key takeaway looking at this report is that buy nanomics has most certainly pushed consumers into value seeking mode. Consumers are asked what is the main reason for switching where you shop for groceries? Prices, 52 %
said price was the main reason. Most respondents are now shopping at Walmart. This wasn’t the case. Pre Biden, the standard of living was much higher. Walmart used to be for again, some of the more lower and you know,
How do I phrase this? You know, lower end consumers that are out there. Again, you take a look at these numbers and they’re not good.
They’re not good. And also taking a look at dining habits as well. 16%, how if and at all are you changing your dining habits based on inflation and higher prices? 16%, not changing. 31%, limiting dining out to special events and occasions. 17 % still dining out at restaurants but ordering few appetizers, drinks or desserts.
18 % still dining at restaurants, but ordering lower priced items. 15 % eating more fast food and 56 % dining out less overall. Again, the consumer is obviously aware that Bidenonomics is not working. Again, they keep pitching the same thing again and again and Listen, my last foray
into a big box of retail. cannot, I can’t stand going into those places. They have like some sort of like reverse Stendhal syndrome on me. If you’re not familiar with Stendhal syndrome, it’s another word for it’s called Florence syndrome. When you go to Florence, Italy, sometimes people get dizzy and their heart palpitates just because it’s the beauty is just so great there. I’m sorry, big box stores, they give me anxiety.
I can’t deal with them at all, but man, are they packed. They are packed, wall to wall people, anarchy, stuff everywhere. Listen, I get it. That’s where people are gravitating to at this point in time. And again, it’s because of the economy. It’s because of higher prices. Will it translate? Will it translate this?
election cycle. I don’t know. I know. Again, it’s you know, people are going to be deciding whether or not they’re voting with their pocketbook or abortion. Watchdog on wall