Baseline Budgeting is EXPLODING Government Spending
The worst week of the year for taxpayers. I forgot about it. It was last week. You know what reminded me of it though, is the fact that the first day, the very first day, fiscal year 2025 started October 1st. We were $204 billion further in debt. Day one. Why was last week? Why was the last week?
of September. Why is it the worst week of the year for taxpayers? Well, the way our country accounts, it’s called baseline budgeting. Baseline budgeting is this. Spend it. Spend it all. Zero out that balance. Every dime in your budget must be spent by the end of September.
client, a friend of mine that in the military. And he’s in one of the higher ups in the military and he runs a department and he laments this. He laments the fact that he has no incentive whatsoever. Actually, it is frowned upon to be a good steward of the taxpayers money. They want you to spend it all.
For the fear is, if you don’t spend all of the money in your budget, that they’re gonna get allocated less the next year, even though increases are baked into every single government department that’s out there. So basically, make this really clear to everyone out there. If XYZ department at the Department of Education or Department of Energy, they’ve got, you
tens of million dollars laying around and it’s September, they’ve got to go buy useless crap, useless office furniture, they got to spend it all. No incentive whatsoever to save you a dime. Wouldn’t it be better, and Elon Musk talks about that government accountability office. Wouldn’t it be nice? Wouldn’t it be just wonderful if, I don’t know, maybe people within the government could make a bonus?
Make a bonus, get some sort of commission based upon the amount of money that they save the taxpayers. You know, that’s mundo perfecto. We’re just not there. Watchdog on