Are You Sick of The Drone Speculation?
Drones stories, all right, I have to chime in. It’s all I can stand, I can’t stands no more. Tons of questions, people ask me what my thoughts are on the drones and what do you think about this and what do you think about that.
I don’t know. I’m gonna pull out the Nathan Lane character from Birdcage. How do you think I feel? Confused, bewildered? People. I don’t know. Okay. Nor does anybody in the news media or on social media. The first story’s coming out that there was some sort of Iranian mother ship.
with these drones and I was like, I’m not buying that. My first reaction when it came to the drone story is this is our government doing something. This is our government doing something, trying out some technology up to no good. Again, you got mayors in various different municipalities in the state of New Jersey freaking out about this or seeing them go on the media. Who is this? Who owns the drones? Russian drones, Iranian drones.
The thing that’s, the real story behind this drone story is not so much the drones. It’s the fact that we have little to no belief at all in what the government is telling us. You had John Kirby out there yesterday, basically,
giving some nonsensical explanation when it comes to this. And the entire country is like, you know, doing that, that, you know, coughing scene that they were doing. that an animal house originally there when they had that little court thing going on? Well, nobody believes the people in Washington, DC. They’re just not trustworthy. We all take them.
you know, to be full of it. This, mean, it’s great that, you know, people have finally, you know, woken up and red-pilled whatever it may be to the lies that were told on a regular basis. But that damage needs to be repaired. It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s not. Would I much rather have my government be honest and trustworthy? Yeah, I would. mean,
It’s gonna take some time news me. That’s a whole nother thing. I don’t know if they’ll ever be able to make it back but you gotta also understand the The repercussions behind this I mean, I know I brought up though the little boy who cries wolf that thing’s real
I mean, if you know something, whatever it was, Iranian drones with a mothership and all these issues we have to deal with, people can be like, yeah, whatever. Whatever, we don’t have any faith and trust in them anymore. And that quite frankly, not so much the drones. That’s the story.