Are Trump and Kamala REALLY The Best of America??
After watching a lot of politics over the course of past week and unfortunately not able to broadcast and do a very surprising scandal. Internet was spotty, power was out, I lost my phone, all sorts of stuff. One thing came to mind in regards to this election at this point in time is who’s going to end up with the mojo? I’m going Austin Powers, spy who shagged me. Remember? I lost my mojo.
Well, I think that that’s what this election is gonna come down to, quite frankly. And I thought about it yesterday, flipped on the Giants and again, making myself sick to my stomach watching my New York Giants play. Starting to see the commercials coming out. We get the various different football stars telling you to get out to vote. Then you’re getting all the Hollywood types telling you, you better get out to vote because…
That’s what it’s gonna come down to. The candidates mojo or momentum or lack thereof. Quite frankly, and I’m being dead serious, being honest with you here. Am I the slightest bit excited to go and vote on election day for the presidency of the United States? Nah. Not.
I’m not. And again, I’m sorry people, know, don’t give me crap for being honest. Okay. Don’t give me crap for me. I get that sometimes being honest people. You can’t say it’s too close. Not good. Listen, okay. I’m not going to lie. I’m not excited. You know, again, I’m more concerned about, you know, down ballot races than I am the presidency at this point in time.
Am thrilled with the policy positions of either of these candidates? No! I’m not. I go right on down the list. Kamala Harris, she goes out on a regular basis and she gives these little talks now and it’s getting worse instead of better. It actually reminded me of a scene from the movie Billy Madison where Billy is in a debate.
And the moderator just goes off on this thing. And I’ll play the actual clip on the radio show this week, basically saying that the entire audience has been made dumber by the ridiculous ramblings of what you said. And God have mercy on your soul at the end. And the stuff doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Saturday Night Live for crying out loud, tearing into her nonsense. I don’t know if you saw that advertisement that she put out.
targeting real men.
It’s it’s so bad. It’s so bad. All these guys are carburetors for breakfast. I can deadlift. I’m a real man. I can deadlift 500 pounds. Here’s a tip. Real men don’t have to remind you that they’re real men. I mean, it’s absolutely brutal. Saw that ad and actually gave me a funny memory. I don’t know if you remember the old Miller Lite advertisements that they did.
with the man rules where they the men know the square table and it was like Jimmy Johnson was there and there was Jerome Bettis, Burt Reynolds and are all arguing over certain rules that men apply to us. Again, they put this ad out, they don’t understand men at all. At the same time, the same time again, we just racked up another $1.8 trillion budget deficit and neither candidate quite frankly gives a damn.
Gives damn. Again, it’s Nero one and Nero two. Rome’s burning and they’re both fiddling there. None of this stuff is important. And we’re getting, like I said, getting closer. More gimmicks. More gimmicks and tricks. Gimmicks and tricks from both sides. Trump is now calling on making car interest, the interest on car loans deductible.
First and foremost, that’s not going to lower the price of a car. It’s not gonna lower the price of a car by any stretch. yeah, I know, we the interest on our homes that are deductible. Yay! Yeah, let me be very clear. All that does is the home mortgage is just a function of what somebody can afford over the course of the month.
and they can afford more if, guess what, they’re not paying taxes on the interest portion there and it gives them more to spend. That eventually factors into the overall price of the home. The same thing with interest rates. It’s a factor. So you’re gonna make the interest on car loans tax deductible, but that’s gonna do more than likely gonna make cars more expensive.
just how the world works, people and his other idea there. the Trump campaign said Trump was being hyperbolic when he said about a thousand percent tariffs, thousand percent tariffs on cars that are manufactured and coming in here to the United States. He’s gonna fix Detroit and make the American auto industry the greatest ever. You’re not gonna do that by having tariffs.
You’re to do that by getting the government out of the auto industry and letting the auto companies make cars that people want to buy and making them better.
because quite frankly, can’t think of like sedans, it’s car like that. I can’t think of an American stand that I wanna buy. Yeah, they spending money on EVs and all this other crap. And again, the way that things were structured here in the United States with cafe standards, you know, making them focus on sedans. They focus on making.
They just focus on a while making econo boxes because again, they gotta meet those standards and then making money on SUVs. That was a business model. Again, why? Because the government rules and regulations. Tariffs are not gonna fix the auto industry here in the United States. The free market will fix it and competition will. And if we can’t do a better job than other companies, well then you know what? Those companies are going to fail.
I’m sorry, I’m president the United States. I don’t want to keep the citizens of my country from buying a product from another country if it’s superior, because if we can’t do it right here. Sorry. I’m not, you know, fixing it, making it easy, bending the rules so Detroit automakers can protect themselves. That’s crap.
That’s not the free market. And again, it’s just, don’t know if it’s all hyperbole. I don’t know if it just, you you’re speaking in front of an audience and you’re just trying to get votes. I honestly, I’m smarter than this. And quite frankly, you should be too. And again, like Michael Corleone, I don’t like having my intelligence insulted on a regular basis by either of the candidates.
And, you know, I just, all dealing with the, the, the hurricane down here and the state of Florida. And we watch a masterclass and administration and competence. When you take a look at Ron DeSantis and what the, the state of Florida has done and what they are doing at this point in time, it’s extraordinary. Extraordinary.
My mother lives in, go online. She lives on Manisoda Key. She’s got power. My brother lives in Placida. He’s got power for crying out loud. Boats were in the streets there.
and how well they are doing in getting everything up and running, an absolute masterclass. Again, I’m not gonna lie to you. I’m not gonna I’m gonna be honest with you. And again, that’s why it gets back to Mojo, okay? Who’s gonna get their voters excited enough to get to the polls? Do I think that a lot of these kids and…
Gen Zers out there, young people are just, yay! They can’t wait to vote for Kamala Harris. No freaking way. No way. But on the same sense, I think that there’s probably many conservatives out there that are like, I really, you know, thrilled with voting for Donald Trump. No. Again, yeah, I’m looking for, I’m be honest. Looking forward to 2028. Watchdog on