A Taxpayer Funded Pandemic
Here’s another one you can file under the Don’t Doubt Me files. Yeah, a taxpayer funded pandemic. Again, I don’t even like going back to the point time pandemic just starting in the first six, seven, eight months where we again, were pointing out quite frankly, what we saw was obvious and all of the absolute absurdities that were happening.
around us. I mean, I get flashbacks and nightmares. Remember those stickers on the ground with the social distancing stickers and crap like that? Because again, it was it was painful to me just how stupid everything was. Was also anybody would half a brain knew, knew that okay, this thing was engineered in a laboratory. And again, no, you can’t say that. No, you would get canceled. I did. I was canceled. Had my
by putting Facebook jail, all sorts of things, by just stating what was plain as day. But anyway, I’m gonna try to keep my cool during this. But yeah, we all, all of us, we as taxpayers, and we helped fund the pandemic, meaning that we all assisted in aiding and helping with our tax dollars, the killing of…
millions of people. I mean, there’s no other, I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I’m not Mary Poppins, no spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. My tax dollars help to essentially kill my father.
And I’m not very, very comfortable. Again, I’m trying to be as blunt as I possibly can. But this is the reality. This is why you’re never going to ever get fully to the bottom of this and nobody’s going to ever be held responsible. As it turns out, American scientists applied to engineer coronaviruses with similarities, remarkable similarities, to SARS.
COVID-2 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2018, one year before the outbreak. The grant proposal and related documents just came out due to a freedom of information request revealed that an American virologist working with the Wuhan lab plan to engineer a virus that looks lot similar to the one. Yep, and it was part of a collaboration.
What the Chinese? What are they saying? Every day on Fox News are telling us, this is the Chinese communists, they’re awful. And we got to go after the Chinese. Why in the world we’re collaborating with them on making diseases in a laboratory? How does this make any sense to anybody at all?
Again, so you can’t believe anything that you’re seeing on TV. And of course, this research project was led by EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit, yep, that got funding from the NIH, meaning us. Got tax dollars. Yep, we’re going to route funding to Wuhan, China to do gain of function research on corona viruses in bats.
Why? Does anybody ask why would you do that? Well, can you can you explain to me what you expect to gain? What what the point is behind this research? Hey, I always go back to that scene in Jurassic Park. The first one there where the mathematician Jeff Goldblum there’s but great job was that Ian Malcolm was the name of the character.
You gotta ask yourself the question whether or not you can do something, whether or not you should do something. Now they’re saying, oh no, this research was rejected the first time. Right, right, sure. They’re saying that money never went through. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Okay, well then all of a sudden we’re finding out that the mathematical probability…
of each of the COVID origin theories, basically saying that.
It’s there’s zero, basically. So I was a penguin and a bat from hundreds of miles. No, it’s a wet market. Yeah. Everything out there suggests that it was done in a lab. A lab. It basically that it’s a smoking gun. You got a latest Rutgers professor, Richard Ebright.
elevates the evidence provided by the genome sequence from the level of noteworthy to the level of smoking. Gun, the 2000 eco-health proposal provided step-by-step plans for construction of a virus, having the sequence and properties of the virus that emerged a year later in Wuhan.
Mm-hmm. Again, we just found out last week, I didn’t even report on it on the program, that the Chinese researchers sequenced the COVID virus structure two weeks before sharing that sequence with the rest of the world. And again, you got to see the statements coming out from EcoHealth at this point in time. Again, simple questions that I would ask Democrats, Republicans.
Um, if we’re gearing up and you’re telling us we’re gonna spend all this money in the military to basically fight, fight China, why would we be developing in essence bio weapons with China?
Why would we be doing that? Does this make any sense whatsoever? No, no. So again, next time you see these people on TV telling you this, that, next thing, this or big enemy, big, let me ask you, Soviet days, were we working with the Soviets to engineer bio weapons? Again, your tax dollars at work. Watchdog on wallstreet.com.