The Epstein Connection: Evil Elites control big business, politics and media
Watchdog on Wall Street’s Axis of Evil. I came up with this, I don’t know, it was earlier stages, maybe mid stages, 2000s. And again, it was response. You had George W. Bush come out and talk about his Axis of Evil at a State of the Union address. And at the time he was talking about Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.
And after a period of time, I came up with this and I said, you know, those countries don’t scare me. They don’t. What scares me is the real axis of evil. And that’s the axis of evil that can affect each and every one of us. And that’s big business, big business, the media and politicians. And we have demonstrated over the years on podcasts, on the radio show, our appearances, how these three work together.
to further their agenda, their narratives. Again, that’s what we’re all about, dispelling narratives, conventional wisdom, the crap that is being shoved down people’s throats. And it’s my axis of evil. And I’m gonna ask you, you more afraid, you afraid of Kim Jong-un or are you afraid of the evil that exists right here? And we witness it and watch it every day. I wanna give everybody
an example of this. And it’s I’ve talked about these issues, these societal issues, in particular, this one over the years, I don’t like doing it, I tend to raise my voice. And again, I know my nature, right? Right? You talk about Socrates, know thyself, then you go to Jesus, love your neighbor as yourself, you know, all that stuff. But anyway.
I see things like this and they happen on a regular basis with some of the elites and
I get angry. I get angry. I don’t understand how this is not a bigger story. I don’t understand how people are not up in arms over this. We’ve got more Epstein documents coming out. And yeah, this Epstein fella, this utter piece of garbage. And if you’re not familiar with
age girls, the human trafficking that was involved. Do your homework on it. Do your homework. It’s disgusting.
It really is. You take a look at this and you say to yourself, I mean, it’s just a level of evil that’s out there that most of us, and again, I don’t think we like to even talk about this or think about this because I think it disturbs us. It’s so utterly disturbing that there are people like this in the world. It’s difficult for us
to get our arms around. And that’s why many times I think it goes one ear and out the other because it’s almost like a coping mechanism to some degree for human nature. As it turns out, as it turns out, Larry Summers, former treasury secretary, former president of Harvard, you know, he wanted to help his wife out. You know, happy wife, happy life. His wife is a, I guess a poetry professor.
at Harvard and wanted to have a PBS special on poetry. And Larry Summers went to Epstein. This is after Epstein was convicted. All of the information came out at just how evil this guy is. It didn’t matter to Larry Summers. All he cared about was the money.
That’s all he cared about. He went to Epstein for philanthropy advice. Larry Summers and more and more of these stories of the elites hanging out with this guy, Woody Allen. Oh, hanging out with Epstein and doing movie screenings.
I mean, you can go on and on and on with all of these elites. I know he’s got his private island there, had his private island in the US Virgin Islands. Had, again, procured underage girls to do things. And if you actually take a look at some of the emails, the Wall Street Journal story today, the disgusting executives over.
at JP Morgan talking about young girls and Disney characters. Again, for most of us, it’s difficult for us to get our arms around things like this. And I freely admit, I say no, I said, again, I have violent thoughts in my mind, what I like to do to these people. Okay.
What are we getting at here? I’m talking about the underlying evil that exists in the world of the elites. And again, we’re always about trying to dispel conventional wisdom narratives out there. And I’m gonna ask everybody, because I know you’re gonna get some people, oh yeah, Larry Summers, he’s a Democrat. He worked for the Clinton administration. There’s just bad people everywhere.
And I’ve been around the block. I’ve been to many different events. I’ve been involved doing media for a long period of time. For instance, is the latest story out here about this guy on the right. He’s a big conservative crowder. I didn’t really follow him that much. And the things that are coming about him and the things that he had to say. Yeah, I can give you a laundry list of the people that I’ve.
worked with on radio networks, been in contact with at many different events and just horrible human beings. I don’t know how to put it any other way. I don’t like to be judgmental, but I definitely look at people in regards to how they go about treating others. I told this story before.
It’s just years ago out to dinner with a possible client wanting to do business with us at Markowski Investments. This guy was big doings. Big doings. No doubt, a lot of money to bring over to our firm. And I’m watching the way he’s acting at a restaurant, having dinner with this fella and the way he treats the staff, the wait staff and the people around him.
I didn’t want to do business anymore. Not worth it. Not worth it. Again, I was one of those people that was waiting tables at one point in time. I remember being at a, again, this is a major, I’m not gonna mention her name, okay? Not gonna mention her name, you can figure it out. She also happened to be on the network, because here’s another clue, years ago. I’m at the Republican National Convention.
Republican National Convention. This was in Minnesota. Romney running at that point. No, I’m sorry, I’m wrong. Sorry, that was going all the way back. That was going all the way back to McCain. That’s right, McCain and Sarah Palin. But anyway, you know, you had all these people that are working radio row looking to help out, a lot of college students, recent grads there. And this host at the time,
was not happy about the printer that was there at her setup. And the way that she was berating the people that were there and ripping into them and the way that she spoke to them, it was just, it was vile. It was vile. And again, complaining about the equipment. And I go to comfort some of these kids after the fact. I said, listen, not all like that. I’m sorry. And they’re like, you don’t understand, Mr. Markowski.
This is her equipment. She doesn’t even realize it. It’s her stuff that’s not working properly. And there’s no excuse to me when it comes to that. And again, this is not the first occasion I’ve been in contact with these people, both on the left and the right.
Left and the right, a certain senator, ex-senator from Minnesota that also happened to be on Saturday Night Live. I can’t tell you how nasty this guy was. I can go on and on and on with all of these stories. Again, I don’t think we as a society, we don’t even wanna get our arms around this stuff. We choose to ignore it. Again, this is talking about the underlying evil and rot.
that is here in this country. I haven’t talked much here in regards to the violence that we’ve seen, continual violence that we see here in this country, the shootings, what takes place on almost an all too often regular basis and how, I have to constantly explain to my kids that it wasn’t always this way. It wasn’t, it’s not supposed to be this way. Life is not supposed to be this way.
and you know, you look for explanations. And I do, I get the questions, you know, what’s causing this? Oh, is it this? Is it that? People, we’ve had a breakdown as far as, and this is my opinion. You could tell me I’m crazy, but I don’t think so. I go back to the scene in World War Z, and I love that movie World War Z, where they’re in Israel.
They’re in Israel and Israel prepared for the zombie apocalypse that, you know, figured out what’s going on and they’re like, well, how did you guys get it? This is, this is so improbable, so impossible. And he said, well, we got a rule here. He said, you know, after, after the Holocaust, because again, nobody believed that either at the time that that was possible, anytime, I guess, when all of the security heads there in Israel, anytime that they vote on anything and everybody votes.
one way, they take the opposite route. And basically saying, okay, all of these things, you don’t wanna believe this is true, but you have no explanation for it. Again, I talk about it all the time. It is a complete decline in morality. We have this moral relativism where there’s no right, there’s no wrong, people not going to…
places of worship, churches, synagogues, mosques, these things help keep society together. And people are like, it sounds like these people are possessed by demons. Wouldn’t surprise me!
Again, you’re gonna rule it out? That ain’t gonna be a crackpot. I mean, you got any other explanation? Do you have any other explanation? They still haven’t even released that manifesto by the individual trans person, whatever the hell it may be, that shot up the school, because I guess it’s so, it’s so, that’s what they’re telling us. It’s so messed up and deranged, they don’t want to release it.
Can you, is there any other explanation for wanting to go into a school and shoot children? What about the one that took place in Louisville?
This guy said he was for gun control and that’s why he was killing people.
You’re going to rule out demonic possession. Somebody thinks you talk about it. You read the news, you watch this stuff. It’s like that there’s some sort of zombie apocalypse for crying out loud. You can’t get your arms around it. There’s no other way to explain it. And in, sorry, traditional traditional values have their place. And the founders, founders of this country understood that they knew.
They knew, they told us America doesn’t work. It doesn’t work without morals. And then I know you’re gonna get to be, what are these white men that own slaves? Yeah, were they compromised? Absolutely. Absolutely, and in my opinion, did God punish this country for that? Yeah. You wanna take a look? We have more, more men died.
in the civil war than in every single one of our other conflicts combined. And then some you take a look at the devastation, read the stories. Yeah, this is my belief system. You may think I’m crazy, but again, do you have any other explanation for it? I’m all ears.
I’m all ears. And what’s the, creepy about this, and it’s kind of, I was actually cracking a joke about this Monday when I was at Fox Business, we’re talking about some of these stories and this underlying evil. And I’m like, you know that whole Stanley Kubrick eyes wide shut thing, that’s real.
That’s real. You’ve got one of the leading, one of the leading donors, big time donors to Joe Biden and the Democrats, the guy who founded LinkedIn, he was buddies with Epstein. He was still hanging out with the guy. Still hanging out with the guy. This is after, like I said, all came out. The Miami Herald, the procuring young girls.
It’s interesting. We’re kind of divided. We’re talking about divided mirror. We are kind of dividing into different camps. I don’t know if you saw this yesterday. Santa signed into law is talking about, I mean, very, very strict harsh. I don’t think that they’re harsh. Ways that they’re going to be handling sex offenders in the state of Florida and throw them the death penalty in there.
They are. I remember years ago, years ago, my suggestion was, listen, you know, you got to you got to buy an island somewhere. My suggestion is, but you know, buy Greenland or get something and you know, you’re convicted of this, this type of heinous actually, you’re gone. You’re gone, you have to be exiled to this place can’t come back.
Anyway, anyway, again, I wish I had a better explanation. I know I spent some time today on this because it’s not that I haven’t ignored this on the podcast. We have touched upon it on the radio show. It’s just a very, very difficult topic to discuss. And it’s been my opinion that unfortunately people just, you know, they wake up in the morning, they see the stories and they don’t
want to deal with it. But you know, again, I’ve talked about this before, I’ve noticed it in my kids. Yeah, my kids get up and they see, you know, mass shooting here, mass shooting at school. And it, it affects them.
It does. It affects him. Watchdog on