About The Watchdog on Wall Street
Host Chris Markowski has been helping investors grow and protect their assets since the 1990s.
He gained extraordinary knowledge of Wall Street as an investment banker, security analyst and investment firm manager. Passionate about helping his clients achieve the financial security they deserve, Markowski grew a small investment house by 1,500 percent in two years. As a result of this tremendous growth, Inc. magazine ranked the company No. 2 on its list of fastest-growing private companies.
Despite his financial success, Markowski knew he would always be constrained on Wall Street. His philosophy was putting the client first, and the Wall Street insiders insisted on putting themselves first. He felt that his job as an investment adviser was to invest his client’s money for their benefit.
In addition, he saw that individual investors were being deceived. Wall Street was focused on generating profits for itself at the expense of individual investors. No one was looking out for the little guy. Countless investors were taken advantage of by a Wall Street culture of greed.
Investor Advocacy
Investors needed an advocate. They needed someone with knowledge of Wall Street’s inner workings to reveal what was really going on. Unable to sit back and let hard-working people be cheated, he quit the Wall Street rat race and started his own firm, Markowski Investments. He also became a champion for investor rights, first appearing on radio shows and gaining popularity as an investor advocate. Markowski then started hosting “Watchdog on Wall Street.”
Markowski Investments operates on the principle of working to help the client regardless of net worth. All people deserve to be treated fairly, whether they are millionaires or investing a little extra money every month. By following a holistic approach, the company can advise each client as an individual.
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Advocacy Examples
Markowski knew the dotcom bubble was going to burst before the 2000 market collapse. As a stock expert, he understood that the ridiculous valuations made a collapse inevitable. Markowski also saw that Wall Street was pushing investors to continue bidding up the prices and was setting them up to take the fall. Prior to the collapse, he took his warning to the airwaves and saved as many investors as he could from getting hurt.
Less than a decade later, he saw another Wall Street-created crisis was about to unfold. The mortgage and financial crisis was as inevitable as the dotcom collapse. Markowski saw the trouble on the horizon and once again shouted his warnings over the airwaves to help as many people as he could.

Topic Examples
“Watchdog on Wall Street” is about protecting the interests of the individual investor. Chris Markowski analyzes the events that directly affect his listeners. Some of the frequent topics include:
- Politics
- Regulations
- Social issues
- Holistic financial planning
“An intelligent financial plan is all about preparation. Its purpose is to secure a family’s future, and to do that, it must be holistically based.”

Listeners Tune in for Straight Talk
Intelligent investors tune in to “Watchdog on Wall Street” because it is a source of accurate information. The truth is told, no holds barred. Whether discussing the direction of the economy, America or social issues, listeners enjoy the frank discourse. There are a lot of people invested in deceiving the public. “Watchdog on Wall Street” is invested in informing the public of where things really stand.
“Watchdog on Wall Street” listeners understand that fear and greed are the tools of con men. Greed is used to trick people into buying overvalued assets destined to collapse in value. Fear is used to manipulate people into doing what the conman wants. “Watchdog on Wall Street” cuts through the “bull” and reveals the truth.
That’s why “Watchdog on Wall Street” is one of the longest-running financial radio shows. Listeners understand that values matter. They can’t make effective decisions about their lives unless they have accurate information. By tuning in to “Watchdog on Wall Street,” they know where the opportunities are and where the dangers lie.